The goal of this study is to provide background information on (candidate) best available techniques for environmental protection within the German ferrous metals processing industry (hot and cold rolling mills, continuous galvanising lines). It gives information on the energy and materials input and output levels of German rolling mill plants and identifies the impact of certain particular environmental protection techniques, but also of production techniques on these levels. It also includes information on continuous galvanising plants with respect to integrated pollution prevention and control. The paper is based on the study of literature, on technical discussions with experts and on information collected at plant visits. Its intention is to support the TWG Ferrous Metals Processing.
Economy | Consumption
Report on Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the German Ferrous Metals Processing Industry
Final Draft
Number of pages
Year of publication
O. Rentz, R. Jochum, F. Schultmann
Project No. (FKZ)
109 05 006
File size
1185 KB
0,00 €
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