Cover Climate Change 05/2015 Sustainable cooling supply for building air conditioning and industry in Germany
Climate | Energy

Sustainable cooling supply for building air conditioning and industry in Germany

The study determines possibilities to maximize the climate-friendliness of refrigeration supply in the field of building air conditioning and industrial refrigeration systems. It is based on a detailed analysis of the refrigeration needs of different industrial sectors and a characterization of the cooling techniques in use. Energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions and costs are calculated and evaluated for a selection of building air conditioning and industrial refrigeration systems. A year-long simulation of the operating refrigeration systems provides the results needed for the calculation. With the help of various boundary conditions the study identifies the replacement potential of compression type refrigeration systems with thermally driven refrigeration systems. Conclusively, the market potential of climate-friendly refrigeration systems is evaluated and recommendations to increase that potential are given.

Climate Change | 05/2015
Number of pages
Year of publication
Carsten Heinrich, Sebastian Wittig, Peter Albring, Lutz Richter, Mathias Safarik, Ursula Böhm, Andreas Hantsch
Other languages
Project No. (FKZ)
3710 41 115
File size
12328 KB
0,00 €
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