
The value of the German marine environment

Costs of degradation of the marine environment using the example of the German North Sea and Baltic Sea

Strong algal growth, water turbidity, overfishing, underwater noise or trash not only on the beaches are just a few examples that the North Sea and Baltic Sea are confronted with. The latest status assessment of the German North Sea and Baltic Sea waters from 2018 shows that a good status of marine waters is still a long way off.

From a human well-being perspective, a marine environment in poor condition reduces the value that people place on the North Sea and Baltic Sea and the benefits, e.g., for climate protection and food.

In this project, we estimate the benefits for the German population that would arise if a "Good Environmental Status" were achieved in German marine waters. For this purpose, we derive the willingness to pay of the German population for this good status in the German marine environment using the Contingent Valuation Method.

Texte | 121/2021
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Malte Oehlmann, Anna-Catharina Nunes-Heinzmann, Dr. Christine Bertram, Robert Hellwig, Eduard Interwies, Dr. Jürgen Meyerhoff
Project No. (FKZ)
3719 25 201 0
German Environment Agency
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