Platform and poster presentations

Download of selected presentations is possible by navigation to the respective sessions.

Platform Presentations
Session 1 Regulatory Key Note Talks
Regulatory activities in the area of environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials (Anu Kapanen, ECHA)

Session 2 Scientific Key Note Talks
Importance of physical-chemical properties of ENM (intrinsic/extrinsic) for environmental hazard and risk assessment (Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham, UK)

Environmental release modelling in contexts of high uncertainty for engineered nano-CeO2, -SiO2 and –Ag in Germany (Fadri Gottschalk, ETSS, CH)

Session 3 Effects and Accumulation
Adaptation of OECD test guidelines on ecotoxicity tests – experience gained from the EU project MARINA and further considerations (Kerstin Hund-Rinke, Fraunhofer IME, GER)

What is the meaning of pristine nanoparticles, their lifecycle and fate? An overview and forward look (Marianne Matzke, NERC, UK represented by Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham, UK)

Ecotoxicity and Fate of nanomaterials in laboratory and outdoor lysimeter experiments – experiences from the BMBF project DENANA (Karsten Schlich, Fraunhofer IME, GER)

Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – An outdoor TME study (Monika Hammers-Wirtz, gaiac, GER)

NanoUmwelt - Risk analysis of engineered nanomaterials in the environment: identification, quantification and analysis of the human- and ecotoxicological effects (Florian Meier, Postnova Analytics GmbH, GER)

Fate and effect of manufactured nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain (Christian Schlechtriem, Fh IME, GER)

Session 4 Fate and Exposure in different environmental compartments
Getting our feet back on the ground: How the environment controls nanoparticle fate (Frank von der Kammer, University of Vienna, AT)

The fate of nanoparticles in the subsurface - a risk for drinking water resources? (Sondra Klitzke, UBA, GER)

Behavior of engineered nanoparticles in the pathway wastewater - sewage sludge - plant using the examples TiO2, CeO2, MWCNT and quantum dots (Karsten Franke, HZDR - Institute of Resource Ecology, GER)

Investigation on possible risks - Are ENMs released during the combustion of nanoparticle-containing waste? (Jürgen Oischinger, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, GER)

Mobility of different nanomaterials in unsaturated soils (Carmen Nickel, IUTA, GER)

Measurement of manufactured nanomaterials in environmental samples (Andreas Wimmer, Technical University of Munich, GER)

Session 5 Applications and Assessment
Nanopesticides: state of knowledge and implications for regulatory exposure assessment (Web Conference: Melanie Kah, University of Vienna, AT and CSIRO, AUS)

Comparing nano-enabled copper formulations govern release, hazards, antifungal effectiveness and sustainability throughout the wood protection lifecycle (Wendel Wohlleben, BASF, GER)

Volumes and life cycle of CeO2, SiO2 and Ag nanomaterials - knowns and unknowns (Bernd Giese, BOKU Vienna, AT)

Prosafe’s review on reliability of methods and data for regulatory assessment of nanomaterial risks – part environment (Klaus Steinhäuser, GER)

Grouping/Read Across approaches to reduce the testing of nanomaterials regarding their environmental hazard (Dana Kühnel, UFZ, GER)

Poster Presentations
P01 – Supporting the environmental risk assessment of nanomaterials with quality-approved information - the DaNa Literature Criteria Checklist (D. Kühnel, UFZ, GER et al.)

P02 – Tools for ENM safety assessment - OECD Test Guidelines and Guidance Documents and how to develop them (J. Athiainen, Drumsö Ecotox Consultancy, FIN et al.)

P03 – Grouping of nanomaterials regarding their ecotoxicity – the ECOTOX tool (E. van der Zalm, UBA, GER et al.)

P04 – Investigating the Trojan horse effect of nanoparticles on an aquatic community – An outdoor mesocosm study (Monika Hammers-Wirtz et al., gaiac, GER.)

P05 – Freshwater outdoor mesocosms: An approach for detection of long-term effects of ENM under natural conditions (Tonya Gräf and Juliane Filser, UFT, University of Bremen, GER)

P06 – Human lung cells and Bariumsulfate nanoparticles from incineration processes - data from the project NanoEmission (F. Glahn et al., Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, GER)

P07 – Impact of CeO2 nano powder applied on the leaf surface on photosynthesis (T. E. E. Glahn et al., Technical University Munich, GER)

P08 – Effects of Ag NM-300K on Folsomia candida (Collembola) in different standard soils and in long-term aged sludge-treated soils (M. Engelke et al., UFT, University of Bremen, GER)

P09 – Grouping and Read Across of Nanomaterials: Objective and Needs for Environmental Hazard Assessment (K. Schwirn and Doris Völker, UBA, GER)

P10 – The impact of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on toxicity and bioaccumulation of triclocarban in the freshwater algae Desmodesmus subspicatus (I. Politowski, RWTH Aachen, GER)

P11 – Engineered silver nanoparticles in the environment: an overview of ecotoxicological effects and the mobility in natural soil (E. Penssler, RWTH Aachen, GER et al.)

P12 – Influence of aging history and physico-chemical changes on the remobilization of Ag NP from sediments of an artificial riverbank filtration system (L. Degenkolb, UBA, GER et al.)

P13 – Aggregation kinetics of TiO2 and Ag nanoparticles in soil solution (S. Klitzke, UBA, GER et al.)

P14 – Effect of natural organic matter and synthetic polymers on CeO2-nanoparticle colloidal stability and their transport in saturated porous media (U. Dippon et al., UBA, GER)

P15 – Transport behavior of engineered silver nanoparticles in natural aquifer material (Y. Adrian et al., RWTH Aachen, GER)

P16 – Oxidative potential of nanomaterials in the eluate of quartz sand and natural soils? (B. Hellack, IUTA e.V., GER et al.)

P17 – Development of a method to determine the bioaccumulation of manufactured nanomaterials in filtering organisms (Bivalvia) (S. Kühr et al., Fraunhofer IME, GER)

P18 – Effects of Wastewater Borne Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials on the Growth, Bioaccumulation and Biochemical markers of Onchorhynchus mykiss (R. Zeumer, Fraunhofer IME, GER et al.)

P19 – Detection of nanoparticles in rivers and industrial wastewaters (M. Maier and M. Wegenke, Bavarian Environment Agency, GER)

P20 – Development of a method for the analysis of nanoparticles in homogenized biota tissue from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (B. Knopf, Fraunhofer IME, GER et al.)

P21 – Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation hyphenated with ICP-MS for Trace Level Analysis of Engineered Silver Nanoparticles in River Water (F. Meier et al., Postnove Analytics GmbH, GER)

P22 – Predictability of silver nanoparticle speciation and toxicity in ecotoxicological media (J. Köser, University of Bremen, GER et al.)

P23 – Development of Microscopic and Spectroscopic Techniques for the Detection and Characterization of Manufactured Nanomaterials in Aquatic Samples (B. Steinhoff and H. Schönherr, University of Siegen, GER)

P24 – Measuring at relevant concentrations – radiolabeling as a versatile tool in nanosafety research (K. Franke et al., HZDR, GER)

P25 – Designing a sustainable European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies (EC4SafeNano) (W. Unger, BAM, GER et al.)

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