
Networking is the bread and butter of research. Our research findings on environmental protection and protecting the public against environmental toxins are available free of charge in our publications, which comprise final reports on our own research, as well as overviews of our findings in various white papers and specialized brochures. And if you’re in search of grist for your own research mill, then be sure to visit our Data area and/or our environmental library. Our Umweltforschungsdatenbank (environmental data research database) enables you to see at a glance texts about environmental research in German speaking countries. And if you have a yen to join the UBA research community, then feel free to apply for one of our research projects.

Events on Climate | Energy, Waste | Resources and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Accelerating the Resource Revolution – World Resources Forum 2017

Menschen tauschen sich auf einer Konferenz aus.

Two years after two historic global agreements – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change – the World Resources Forum Association invites leaders from government, business, research and NGOs to Geneva to talk about how to accelerate the Resource Revolution. How should we manage, coordinate, finance, track progress, and communicate about it? read more

Press release on Climate | Energy, Chemicals, Economy | Consumption, Air, Waste | Resources, Health, Water and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Data on the Environment 2017: More climate protection action required

 Polar bear on ice floe

UBA's Daten zur Umwelt 2017 [Data on the Environment] publication offers a complete overview of all environmental sectors in Germany. It concludes that greater effort is required to achieve the national goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent until 2020; air quality in cities continues to be too heavily polluted. In contrast, drinking water quality remains good. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment