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Press release on Climate | Energy

2015 greenhouse gas emissions indicate a slight decrease for second year in a row

Eine Solaranlage auf freien Feld, im Hintergrund drehen sich Windkrafträder

Germany recorded total emissions of 901.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents for 2015, which is 2.3 million tonnes (0.3%) less than in 2014 and 27.9% less than in 1990. This data is based on calculations which the German Environment Agency (UBA) has reported to the European Commission. The greatest reductions were achieved in the energy industries (11.8 million tonnes). read more

News on Health and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

UBA heads the set-up of an European Human Biomonitoring system

a blood sample is taken from a woman

The EU Commission is providing funding worth more than 74 million euros to the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative – HBM4EU” project to harmonize and align the database on human biomonitoring in the EU Member States and to enhance our understanding of the health impact of exposure to pollution. The aim is to consolidate existing data and to implement joint research projects. read more

Press release on Chemicals and Water

Sandoz chemical spill, 30 years onward: Salmon have returned to the Rhine

Ein breiter, ruhiger Fluss. Rechts und links viel grüne Natur mit Bäumen.

The condition of Germany's rivers continues to improve. The Rhine and many other rivers have many more fish species than 30 years ago. Salmon – once virtually wiped out – are once again at home in German waters. Some stretches of the Danube have “good” to “very good” ecological status, rating best among all Germany’s rivers. There is still a need for action along the Weser and Ems rivers. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment