Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

KomPass: Anpassung regional und sektoral | created on 26.11.2013 | changed on 11.01.2022

Field of Action Industry and Commerce

There are a multitude of possible adaptation measures for companies. Systematic, forward-looking risk management helps companies to take the necessary precautionary measures. read more

Publikation | created on 24.05.2023 | changed on 27.07.2023

Alpenkonvention: Sektorale Entwicklung der Grünen Wirtschaft im Alpenraum

Das Projekt "Alpenkonvention: Sektorale Entwicklung der Grünen Wirtschaft im Alpenraum" analysiert in und mit Akteur*innen der vier Pilotregionen Soča-Idrijca-Tal (SI), Energieregion Goms (CH), Region Diois (F) und Euregio Zugspitze-Wetterstein-Karwendel (AT-DE) wie einzelne Sektoren unter verschiedenen Ausgangsvoraussetzungen in einzelnen Alpenregionen konkret zur Umsetzung einer grünen Wirts... read more

Termin | created on 25.11.2022 | start on to

Conference „GHG-neutral Enterprises and Administration"

What criteria can be used to distinguish between greenwashing and green transformation in efforts by companies and public authorities to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality? This is the topic of an international conference commissioned by the German Environment Agency. It will be held in English on January 24 and 25, 2023 in Berlin. read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 22.09.2023 | changed on 28.09.2023

Just and Ambitious: Circular Economy – A concrete answer to transformation demands in a changing world

In 2021, the world’s economy was only 7.2% circular. Production and consumption patterns still follow the outdated ‘take-make-waste’ practices. As a result, the world has extracted 100 billion tonnes (Gt) of materials in 2021 and is more than 1°C warmer already since the beginning of industrialization. Circular Economy can make a decisive contribution to achieving the Paris climate targets and... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment