Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7217 hits:

Publikation | created on 10.04.2019 | changed on 15.05.2019

How can existing national climate policy instruments contribute to ETS development?

Before introducing an emissions trading system, jurisdictions have to consider the ex-isting energy and climate policy framework. This report seeks to analyse and evaluate non-ETS climate policy instruments, such as carbon taxes or green certificate trading schemes, regarding their suitability to serve as a basis for establishing emission trading systems. There is a general assessment of proto... read more

Publikation | created on 30.05.2022 | changed on 30.05.2022

Green Cooling Summit

This conference paper gives a detailed overview of the international online-event ‚Green Cooling Summit‘ which took place from 25. to 27. May 2021. The central issue was the HFC phase down according to the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and how it can be implemented with natural refrigerants. Talks adressing this issue were given by representatives of parties to the Montreal protoco... read more

Publikation | created on 30.03.2020 | changed on 30.03.2020

What issues need to be addressed in the RED II draft to ensure environmental integrity and net climate benefit of bioenergy use

With this scientific opinion paper, we aim to raise awareness for some issues leading to insufficient GHG savings and potentially causing a gap between two climate and energy legislative frameworks of the European Union: the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation (LULUCF Regulation). read more

Dokument | created on 12.06.2019 | changed on 12.06.2019

Paper: Plenary session 4- Talk 1 – Climate Change Impacts on Mining & Raw Material Supply

Publikation | created on 23.05.2022 | changed on 23.05.2022

Der Klima-Sozialfonds im Fit-for-55-Paket der europäischen Kommission – Definition und Quantifizierung vulnerabler Haushalte und notwendige Investitionsbedarfe

Das im Juli 2021 veröffentlichte „Fit-for-55“-Klimapaket der Europäischen Kommission schlägt die Einführung eines neuen Emissionshandelssystems für Gebäude und Straßenverkehr vor. Ein Teil der Einnahmen soll im Rahmen eines Klima-Sozialfonds verwendet werden, um explizit vulnerable Gruppen zu unterstützen. Mit diesem Vorschlag werden neue Impulse für die deutsche Debatte um die Rückverteilung ... read more

Publikation | created on 02.01.2023 | changed on 02.01.2023

Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung, Verbreitung und Verankerung der Norm ISO 50005

Das Forschungsvorhaben zeichnet den bisherigen Weg der DIN-ISO 50005 für einen stufenweisen Einstieg von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) in ein unternehmerisches Energiemanagementsystem (EnMS) nach, der auf Wunsch in einer Zertifizierung gemäß ISO 50001:2018 (ISO 50001) münden kann. Der Bericht analysiert die Möglichkeiten einer Einbindung und Integration der Norm in bestehende Gesetze... read more

Publikation | created on 18.02.2019 | changed on 18.02.2019

A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind

This report contains a summary of the international deep sea mining expert workshop „A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind”. The overall objective was to stimulate debate on the Common Heritage of Mankind and its benefit sharing element by discussing first ideas how the benefit sharing required by Article 140 paragraph 2 UNCLOS could be appropriately concep... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment