Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7228 hits:

Dokument | created on 10.06.2020 | changed on 26.03.2024

FAQ: Testing and certification practice for products in contact with drinking water: implementation of the evaluation criteria and the recommendation for attestation of conformity

Publikation | created on 02.07.2020 | changed on 02.07.2020

Nischen des Ernährungssystems: Bewertung des Nachhaltigkeits- und Transformationspotenzials innovativer Nischen des Ernährungssystems in Deutschland

Das Forschungsprojekt ging der Frage nach, inwiefern sich aus der Transformationsforschung politische Handlungsansätze für tiefgreifende Veränderungen des Ernährungssystems in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit ableiten lassen. Nischen spielen eine wichtige Rolle in Transformationsprozessen. Daher fokussiert dieser Teilbericht auf die Ebene der Nischen des deutschen Ernährungssystems. Er trägt innovative... read more

Publikation | created on 22.11.2023 | changed on 22.11.2023

Reallabore fördern Reparatur

Die Dokumentation „Reallabore fördern Reparatur“ beschreibt den Prozess der Entstehung einer Kooperation zwischen reparierenden Handwerksunternehmen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Reparaturinitiativen. Die Vernetzung der beiden Akteure miteinander und mit weiteren Stakeholdern erfolgt im partizipativen Format „Reallabor“ in Pritzwalk, in Karlsruhe und in Heidelberg. Der Austausch im Reallabor erm... read more

Publikation | created on 05.03.2020 | changed on 03.06.2021

Migration, environment and climate change: Responding via climate change adaptation policy

With the advance of climate change and environmental changes threatening livelihoods, their impacts on migration and displacement are receiving increasing attention in research, politics, and civil society. The issue is complex and multi-dimensional, with environmental changes affecting human mobility in diverse ways. The three reports in this series thus evaluate the evidence base for policym... read more

Publikation | created on 14.04.2009 | changed on 09.06.2013

Monitoring and evaluation of policy instruments to support renewable electricity in EU Member States

Since the publication of the White Paper "Energy for the future" (EC, 1997) and the adoption of the Directive 2001/77/EC (EC, 2001) on renewable energies in the electricity sector (RES-E), the EU renewable energy sector has developed in a dynamic way. All member states have introduced policies to support the market introduction of RES-E and most of them have started to improve the correspondin... read more

Publikation | created on 30.01.2009 | changed on 06.06.2013

Renwable energy and the clean development mechanism

The number of countries where RET have seen significant market growth is steadily increasing. However, in most countries of the world, dissemination of new renewable energy technologies is still very limited. A range of barriers – financial, economic, institutional, political and technical – impede implementation.  read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment