Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7217 hits:

Publikation | created on 11.10.2013 | changed on 31.10.2013

UMID 03/2013: Schwerpunkt Energiewende und Gesundheit

Welche gesundheitliche Effekte hat die Energiewende und wo liegen Risiken? Der Schwerpunkt „Energiewende und Gesundheit“ der neuen UMID-Ausgabe beschäftigt sich genau damit. Außerdem werden Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Lungenkrebsrisiko bei deutschen Uranbergbauarbeitern vorgestellt. Das Übergewichtsproblem bei jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland und dessen Bedeutung für die gesundheitliche Umwel... read more

Publikation | created on 09.04.2021 | changed on 21.06.2021

Options for multilateral initiatives to close the global 2030 climate ambition and action gap- Policy field Sustainable Food Systems

Achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement requires increased global climate action for sustainable food systems, especially a reduction of food loss and waste and dietary shifts towards plant-based diets. Based on a sound analysis of existing multilateral cooperation this paper proposes four potential initiatives to increase climate ambition in the respective policy field: an international in... read more

Publikation | created on 01.12.2014 | changed on 07.01.2015

Looking to the future

The world is in a process of constant change and development. Not only is technology advancing, but the environment as well as  political, social and economic systems are constantly changing. To respond, it is important to look into the future so as to recognize and take advantage of opportunities as well as detect and minimize risks to mitigate negative consequences. A forward looking and pre... read more

Publikation | created on 10.04.2019 | changed on 15.11.2023

What Matters 1-2018: Recycling

UBA's biannual "What Matters" magazine covers current topics in environmental protection. The first edition “Recycling” takes an in-depth look at the circular economy in Germany with a special focus on plastics. The magazine offers data and facts and discusses current problems and possible solutions in Germany’s circular economy.  read more

Publikation | created on 23.06.2017 | changed on 02.07.2020

Data on the Environment 2017

In its indicator report Data on the Environment 2017, the German Environment Agency gives a comprehensive overview of the state of the environment, the causes of environmental pollution and leverage points for improvement. A total of 50 indicators have been selected from all environmental domains and, wherever possible, underpinned by policy targets, as defined in documents such as the German ... read more

Publikation | created on 06.07.2021 | changed on 12.07.2021

Ausweisung von regionalem Grünstrom in der Stromkennzeichnung

Mit der Einführung des Regionalnachweisregisters können Verbraucher*innen Strom aus Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen in ihrer Region beziehen, die aus der EEG-Umlage finanziert werden. Die Studie betrachtet die Möglichkeiten zur Ausweisung regionalen Grünstroms unter Berücksichtigung aktueller rechtlicher Anforderungen im bestehenden System der Stromkennzeichnung und spricht Empfehlungen für ihre ... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment