Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7217 hits:

Publikation | created on 23.11.2016 | changed on 13.12.2016

Anforderungen der Integration der erneuerbaren Energien an die Netzentgeltregulierung

Die Studie zeigt wie das Netzentgelt- und Netznutzungssystem weiterentwickelt werden sollte, um passfähig für eine zukünftig von erneuerbaren Energien dominierte Stromversorgung zu sein. Dazu werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen erarbeitet: eine Reform der Ausnahmeregelungen für die Industrie, die Einführung bundesweit einheitlicher Übertragungsnetzentgelte in Verbindung mit einer Modifikatio... read more

Publikation | created on 27.04.2022 | changed on 27.04.2022

City Gold – Metal Stocks with a Future

The project "KartAL III - Mapping of the Anthropogenic Stock III", commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency, focuses on the recovery options and expected material flows of seven metals and its alloys. In order to significantly improve the circular economy through urban mining in Germany, the potentials, approaches and success factors of relevant stakeholders identified in the project wer... read more

Publikation | created on 23.08.2017 | changed on 15.01.2021

Tomorrow‘s Cities

Big cities are by definition exciting, diverse and vibrant, but also loud and crowded, claustrophobic and exhausting. How do we want to live in our cities in the future? Is it at all possible to create an urban environment with environmentally friendly transport, low noise levels, green spaces and a functional mix? Yes, such a city is possible. Our brochure explains how an environment with les... read more

Publikation | created on 09.03.2017 | changed on 10.03.2017

What matters 2015

Nitrogen. Too much of a good thing?Useful or harmful? A substance with many facetsThe element nitrogen is essential for all life on earth. In order to act as a building block of life however, it must form chemical compounds with other elements and thus be converted into its reactive state. Despite being the principle component of our atmosphere, molecular atmospheric nitrogen cannot be used di... read more

Publikation | created on 25.11.2022 | changed on 25.11.2022

Environmentally Harmful Subsidies in Germany

The report provides an overview of environmentally harmful subsidies in Germany and makes proposals for their reform or reduction. It focuses on subsidies that have a negative impact on the environmental goods climate, air, soil, water, biodiversity and landscape, as well as on health and the consumption of raw materials. The report analyzes subsidies and their environmental impacts in the are... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment