Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7217 hits:

Pressemitteilung | created on 31.07.2009 | changed on 05.07.2013

Energy efficiency in electric motors

As of 16 June 2011 only highly efficient three-phase asynchronous motors with a performance range of 0.75 - 375 kilowatts (kW) may be put on the market. The Ecodesign Regulatory Committee endorsed these standards for electric motors in the EU Member States and issued them in the Official Journal of the EU as Regulation 640/2009, thereby establishing minimum standards in energy efficiency for th... read more

Publikation | created on 07.12.2018 | changed on 21.03.2019

Diskurse und Leitbilder zur zukunftsfähigen Ausgestaltung von Infrastrukturen

Die Entwicklungen der Infrastrukturen sowie aktuelle Diskurse wurden auf tragende Leitbilder hin untersucht. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Leitbild zukunftsfähiger und klimaresiliente Infrastrukturen vorgeschlagen. Es betont die gesellschaftliche Funktion von infrastrukturbezogenen Grunddienstleistungen und weist darauf hin, dass der Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen klimaneutral und ressourcens... read more

Publikation | created on 27.04.2021 | changed on 01.11.2021

Climate Impact and Risk Assessment 2021 for Germany (Summary)

This executive summary presents shortly the contents of the six sub-reports of the "Climate Impact and Risk Analysis 2021 for Germany", for which 102 climate impacts and 13 fields of action were investigated and assessed. The methodology and the basics of the projections as well as the generic adaptation capacity are addressed. The most important results for all 13 fields of action are present... read more

Publikation | created on 25.03.2021 | changed on 21.04.2021

Data on the Environment

With the indicator report "Data on the Environment – Environmental Monitor 2020", the German Environment Agency provides a condensed picture of the state of the environment, the causes of environmental pollution and starting points for improved policy action. For this purpose, a total of 30 important environmental indicators were selected and, where available, underpinned with existing politic... read more

Publikation | created on 20.07.2021 | changed on 20.07.2021

Criteria for the evaluation of climate protection scenarios

Climate protection scenarios are an important basis for long-term climate protection planning. The modelling, which is often carried out in extensive studies, is a central source of information for decision makers and stakeholders in the development of climate protection strategies. This report outlines a catalog of criteria for the systematic evaluation of long-term climate protection scenari... read more

Publikation | created on 05.11.2020 | changed on 05.11.2020

Status quo der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung in Deutschland

Die Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) leistet durch effiziente Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung einen Beitrag zur deutschen Energiewende. Die Novellierung des KWKG und die andauernde Diskussion zur Frage nach der Zukunft der (fossilen) KWK in einem zunehmend erneuerbaren Energiesystem sind Anlass für das Umweltbundesamt mit einem kompakten Sachstandspapier über den Status quo der KWK zu dieser Diskussion be... read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 18.09.2018 | changed on 12.06.2019

Raw Materials & Environment 2019

Flyer (PDF)Environmental Issues of Mineral and Metal Supply in a broader sustainability contextThe German Environment Agency (UBA) is hosting an international conference on environmental issues of mineral and metal supply and mining. It will bring together decision makers and experts in the thematic areas of mining, raw material supply, environmental assessment, climate change, sustainable sup... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment