Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7218 hits:

Artikel | created on 19.04.2024 | changed on 20.06.2024

Why Planetary Health can promote a more inclusive

One of the most important questions arising from the painful corona crisis is: how can we make the economic case for investing in a green, healthy and just recovery for people and the planet? The COVID-19 pandemic offers many lessons, despite the early stage of global responses. read more

Dokument | created on 28.05.2014 | changed on 03.11.2014

European Resouces Forum 2014 Programme

Pressemitteilung | created on 10.08.2023 | changed on 10.08.2023

Environmental awareness study: Majority of Germans consider adaptation to already clearly noticeable climate crisis necessary

The vast majority of Germans already clearly feel the negative consequences of the climate crisis and consider measures for adaptation to be necessary. This is shown by the Environmental Awareness Study 2022 by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV). read more

Publikation | created on 02.05.2016 | changed on 03.05.2016

Evaluation of the Possibilities of a Stronger Involvement of the Chemicals Sector in a Green Economy

This project analyses the contributions of the chemicals sector to a Green Economy (GE). For this purpose, it analyses existing national, European, and international legislations, programmes and voluntary initiatives in the topic areas of environment and health (E&H), chemical safety (CS), and sustainable chemistry (SC) and their contribution to a GE. As a result of this analysis the proje... read more

Publikation | created on 24.01.2011 | changed on 15.07.2014

Competitiveness and Linking of Emission Trading Systems

Emissions trading systems have been or are being established in many countries and regions around the world to curb climate-damaging emissions of greenhouse gases. Most of these systems include measures to safeguard the competitiveness of industries under an emissions cap. This study commissioned by UBA has examined and compared various approaches, with the aim of an early identification of po... read more

Publikation | created on 18.07.2023 | changed on 16.08.2023

Effective and socially acceptable design of CO2 pricing in the building and transport sectors

Ambitious CO2 pricing via emissions trading is a key lever for achieving the statutory climate targets in the building and transport sectors. This makes climate protection measures economical, ensures target achievement through a binding upper limit on emissions and helps to keep the economic costs of climate protection low. However, it must be ensured that no social hardship arises. This stud... read more

Dokument | created on 23.07.2024 | changed on 23.07.2024

Factsheet: EU Taxonomy, Environmental Delegated Act

The EU Taxonomy is an important instrument in the EU Sustainable Finance Framework. This factsheet analyses the technical screening criteria proposed by the Platform on Sustainable Finance to identify which of the criteria have been considered (and which have not) for the EU Taxonomy in the published Environmental Delegated Act. uba-factsheet_eu_taxonomy_environmental_delegated_act.pdf

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment