Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7217 hits:

Publikation | created on 16.06.2020 | changed on 22.12.2020

Sustainable Pathways out of the Corona Crisis

The Covid 19 pandemic is causing considerable social and economic disruption worldwide. Short and midterm financial support measures for mitigating the acute consequences of the pandemic must be structured in a way, that they support the needed longterm changes towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society. The UBA position paper proposes an action plan for Germany, that takes into account... read more

Publikation | created on 08.11.2017 | changed on 22.11.2017


Es gibt immer mehr Forschungen, die sich mit Veränderungsprozessen in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigen und sich Transformationsforschung nennen. Transformationsforschung gibt es in verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen, zu verschiedenen Themenfeldern (z.B. Konsum, Mobilität, Energie) und mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten und Methoden. Dies macht einerseits die Transformationsforschung reichhalt... read more

Publikation | created on 05.04.2017 | changed on 10.10.2017

Developing criteria to align investments with 2°C-compatible pathways

This report is intended to enable investors to align their investments in physical assets with the internationally agreed objective of limiting global warming to well below 2 °C compared to preindustrial levels. The project focuses in particular on public finance institutions with a climate mandate or mission. However, the applicability of the guidance and criteria to the wider investment comm... read more

Publikation | created on 06.05.2024 | changed on 06.05.2024

Beschäftigungswirkungen des Umweltschutzes in Deutschland in den Jahren 2020 und 2021

Die vorliegende Studie ermittelt die Umweltschutzbeschäftigung im Jahr 2020 und gibt einen Ausblick auf die Entwicklung im Jahr 2021. Die Studie weist mit Hilfe eines kombinierten nachfrage- und angebotsorientierten Schätzansatzes die Bruttobeschäftigungswirkungen des Umweltschutzes aus. Für das Jahr 2020 lässt sich in Deutschland ein Beschäftigungsvolumen rund 3 Mill. Personen identifizieren,... read more

Publikation | created on 28.01.2011 | changed on 04.07.2013

Climate Technology Initiative Capacity Building Seminar for CEE/FSU Countries

Ten years have almost passed since the Rio World Summit. United Nations’ Climate Convention has existed for the same period of time. International awareness of the negative environmental impacts of air emissions has been growing. Energy produced by fossil fuels is the main source of the harmful emissions linked to climate change. Therefore, focus has for a long period been on the creation of a... read more

Publikation | created on 19.05.2021 | changed on 08.06.2021

Emissions trading in pursuit of electricity decarbonisation- market structures and regulations matter

This report assesses the role of emissions trading systems (ETS) in electricity sector decarbonization through analyses  of carbon market designs and interactions with electricity market regulations, market structures and additional  policies. It provides a synthesis of five case studies in EU, California, South Korea, China and Mexico. The authors investigate four carbon price quality criteri... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment