Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Dokument | created on 09.12.2020 | changed on 10.12.2020

ERF 2020 Plenary session I: Presentation La Camera

Publikation | created on 28.10.2019 | changed on 22.06.2020

Resource-Efficient Pathways towards Greenhouse-Gas- Neutrality – RESCUE: Summary Report

The RESCUE study describes in six scenarios possible development paths towards a resource-efficient and greenhouse-gas (GHG) neutral Germany until 2050. For this, assumptions related to the level of ambition for reaching GHG-neutrality, the magnitude of materials- and energy-efficiency, and the implementation of sustainable life-styles are varied. Until 2050, GHG-emissions can be reduced by 95... read more

Publikation | created on 23.09.2015 | changed on 17.02.2020

Data on the Environment 2015

Environmental policy requires great staying power not only in terms of climate protection. A look at air pollution control and water protection shows that while harmful emissions to the environment are decreasing in many areas, this is no reason to sound the all clear. For example, only ten percent of rivers and streams in Germany and only about one percent of examined sections of North and Ba... read more

Publikation | created on 15.02.2021 | changed on 07.07.2021

Carbon Bubble – Analyses, economic risks, measures and instruments

Conditions for investment in climate protection are quite favorable. Nevertheless, financial resources continue to flow into fossil energy sources. This is accompanied by risks. To assess these risks, UBA has had a method developed which allows financial institutions to roughly estimate transitory climate risks. Simulating the economic development of certain key industries shows that climate r... read more

Termin | created on 28.07.2015 | start on to

Kassel International Dialogue on 100% Renewable Energy

Kassel International Dialogue on 100% Renewable Energy – a side-event to the annual 100% Renewable Energy Regions Congress 10 / 11 November 2015 at Kongress Palais in Kassel, Germany read more

Publikation | created on 02.03.2023 | changed on 30.06.2023

Positionspapier Neuartige Materialien

Neuartige Materialen versprechen technische Lösungen zur Unterstützung der nachhaltigen Transformation. Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle für eine Vielzahl der am UBA bearbeiteten Umweltthemen wie beispielsweise die Energiewende, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Chemikaliensicherheit. Dabei können die verschiedenen Bereiche durch den Einsatz neuartiger Materialien profitieren, aber auch vor Herausforderu... read more

Publikation | created on 08.09.2020 | changed on 09.04.2021

Background Paper: Key mitigation options to close the global 2030 ambition and action gap

Staying within the limit of the Paris Agreement of 1.5 °C global warming requires closing the global 2030 ambition and action gap arising from insufficient current policies and contributions. G20 countries have a crucial role to play in realising increased climate policy ambition, given their strong economic and political influence as well as their high share in global greenhouse gas emissions... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment