Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Publikation | created on 05.07.2011 | changed on 13.09.2013

Submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol 2011

As a Party to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), since 1994 Germany has been obliged to prepare, publish and regularly update national emission inventories of greenhouse gases. In February 2005, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force. As a result, for the first time ever the international community of nations is required to implement binding action objectives and instrumen... read more

Daten zur Umwelt: Artikel | created on 28.07.2017 | changed on 11.06.2024

Indicator: Eutrophication of the North Sea/Baltic Sea by nitrogen

To achieve the objectives for the protection of the marine environment, Germany has committed to comply with maximum concentrations of nitrogen at estuaries.On average for all rivers, these target concentrations are already met for the North Sea, but still exceeded for the Baltic Sea.Some of the North Sea and Baltic Sea tributaries still have very high concentrations.In order to fulfil the obj... read more

Publikation | created on 07.02.2019 | changed on 06.10.2022

Sewage Sludge Disposal in the Federal Republic of Germany

The novel sewage sludge ordinance entered into force on 03/10/2017. Therefore for wastewater treatment plants with more than 100,000 respectively 50,000 populations equivalents the utilization of sewage sludge on soil is only possible until 2029 respectively 2032. Afterwards phosphorus recovery is mandatory for sludge with minimum 20 g phosphorus/ kg as well as for sewage sludge ashes. Even no... read more

Publikation | created on 20.04.2021 | changed on 21.04.2021

Implications of Paris Agreement on the national emissions reduction efforts

The Paris Agreement (PA) has set a more ambitious target for limiting global warming compared to the pre-industrial level. Compared to the architecture of the Kyoto Protocol, the PA also sets stricter but voluntary targets for greenhouse gas emissions limitation in the period after 2020 and aims at global greenhouse gas neutrality in the second half of the century at the latest. In this projec... read more

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