Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Publikation | created on 15.12.2021 | changed on 15.12.2021

The impact of COVID-19 on economies in the Alpine region

The COVID 19 pandemic hit Europe in 2020. Government restrictions and voluntary changes in consumption and mobility behaviour led to a sharp decline in mainly non-essential activities. Economic stimulus measures were taken to support the economy. The document delivers findings on the territorial impacts and drivers of the pandemic for the Alpine Space, as well as insights from the four pilot r... read more

Publikation | created on 08.06.2023 | changed on 08.06.2023

Addressing equity in the Global Stocktake

The principle of equity plays an important role in the Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement. This paper discusses several concepts of equity, which can guide the distribution of mitigation efforts, adaptation actions, and means of implementation and support, namely the concepts of responsibility, capabilities, egalitarianism and sufficientarianism. The application of one concept only may... read more

Publikation | created on 24.11.2023 | changed on 06.05.2024

How can the Global Stocktake be leveraged for enhanced climate action?

The study analyses strategies and offers recommendations for leveraging the Global Stocktake’s (GST) outcomes for national climate action, especially for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). It emphasizes the need for coordinated efforts to ensure the results of the GST influence national political discourse. It proposes communication strategies tailored to the different stages of the N... read more

Dokument | created on 01.11.2019 | changed on 01.11.2019

Workshop "International Governance of Geoengineering" – Short Bios of the Speakers

Short Bios of the Speakers at the UBA-Workshop "International Governance of Geoengineering" 4th and 5th November in Brussels short_cv_speakers.pdf

Publikation | created on 24.08.2017 | changed on 05.09.2017

Soziale Aspekte des Natur- und Umweltschutzes- Band III: Umweltbewusstsein und sozialer Wandel

Das Themenfeld „Soziale Aspekte des Natur- und Umweltschutzes“ ist in der Umweltforschungsdatenbank stark vertreten. Über 1.000 Projekte können dazu recherchiert werden. Die Projekte werden in drei Teilbänden veröffentlicht: Band I: Umweltgerechtigkeit; Band II: Soziale Aspekte der Umweltpolitik; Band III: Umweltbewusstsein und sozialer Wandel. Der vorliegenden Band enthält eine Zusammenstellu... read more

Publikation | created on 08.02.2022 | changed on 08.02.2022

Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market: Insights from selected emissions trading systems

Electricity generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in many countries. Most emissions trading systems (ETS) therefore capture emissions from electricity generation. The design of an ETS and the structure and regulation of the electricity sector have a major impact on the environmental effectiveness and quality of the carbon price signal. This project identified the impact ... read more

Publikation | created on 11.10.2013 | changed on 31.10.2013

UMID 03/2013: Schwerpunkt Energiewende und Gesundheit

Welche gesundheitliche Effekte hat die Energiewende und wo liegen Risiken? Der Schwerpunkt „Energiewende und Gesundheit“ der neuen UMID-Ausgabe beschäftigt sich genau damit. Außerdem werden Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Lungenkrebsrisiko bei deutschen Uranbergbauarbeitern vorgestellt. Das Übergewichtsproblem bei jungen Erwachsenen in Deutschland und dessen Bedeutung für die gesundheitliche Umwel... read more

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