EnviroInfo 2019 – Intern. Conference on Environmental Informatics

University of Kassel
Wilhelmshöher Allee 47
Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR)
34117 Kassel

The EnviroInfo 2019 taking place in Kassel from 23rd to 26th September 2019 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on leading environmental information and communication technologies (ICT). The conference will focus on Computational sustainability: ICT methods to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Environmental informatics – How does digitisation change our society?

The occasion is the 50th birthday of the Society of Computer Science. EnviroInfo 2019 is aligned with the theme "50 Years of the Society for Computer Science – Computer Science for Society." As always, it stands up internationally and brings information and communication technology (ICT) into the context of the UN Sustainability Discussion and its objectives.  EnviroInfo 2019, one of the most important international and interdisciplinary European conferences for environmental informatics.

It will provide the attendees with the opportunity to gain insights into topics like Earth Observation and Monitoring, Environmental Modelling and Simulation, Applications of Geographical Information Systems, Environmental Information Systems, Core technologies in Environmental Informatics: Big Data, Machine Learning etc.

The target groups for the workshops and tracks are computer scientists and scientists from different fields such as the environment, climate and sustainability. The findings from these areas can be an important basis for decision-making at the political level and in administration, for gaining knowledge in science, and for sustainable action in business and the wider public. Deadline for "full paper" is 26th April 2019. More information here

A German-language workshop will be organized by the German Environment Agency.

For the German-language Workshop more information here

Workshop Deadline: 05th July 2019

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