Event of the public Virtual TES discussion series

"Current developments in the Russian environmental and climate policy and adaptation options to keep a ‘green agenda’"

The TES Academy and invited experts will deliver an insight into current developments in the Russian environmental and climate policy. Due to the sanctions, cooperation with Russia in environmental and climate protection has largely ceased. Do outdated technologies, reduced emission restrictions and a threatened civil society, etc. lead to a substantial decrease in environmental ambitions?

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the urgently needed sustainability transformation face new challenges due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. The German Environment Agency (UBA) considers the new global situation both a potential threat and an opportunity for the vision of a sustainability transformation (e.g., transition to renewable energy). Therefore, UBA hosts an online discussion series to reflect on the implications of the current crises with international experts. The series is organized by the newly established International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability (TES Academy) at UBA and the UBA Task Force “Sustainability and the war in Ukraine”. The TES Academy aims to bring together international experts and practitioners on sustainability issues to advance transformation activities. The UBA Task Force analyzes the implications of the war in Ukraine for environmental and sustainability policy.

In our fourth event we will have a look on the current developments in the Russian environmental and climate policy. Before the war, state, business, science and civil society actors in Russia and Western countries had increasingly established exchange and cooperation formats in order to accelerate the green transition inter alia in Russia. Russia began to strengthen parts of its environmental standards, including on greenhouse gas emissions. As one outcome, Russia announced a net-zero emissions target by 2060 at the COP26 summit. Due to the sanctions, previous ways of cooperation in the environmental and energy sector have largely ceased. Russia doesn’t benefit anymore from technology transfer, it loses traditional customers for its energy and raw material resources, etc. Do outdated technologies, reduced emission restrictions and a threatened civil society, etc. lead to a substantial decrease in environmental and decarbonization ambitions with consequences on regional and global level? Our panelists will present and discuss their views on:

  • the main achievements in the environmental and climate policy in Russia in the recent years;
  • the current developments triggered by the Western sanction regime after the beginning of the war in the Ukraine;
  • options and efforts of companies and the civil society to adapt to the situation and to keep the „green agenda“ in Russia.

Insights and discussion with

Angelina Davydova (Environmental journalist, Fellow of Media in Cooperation and Transition, climate projects coordinator of n-ost, Netzwerk für Osteuropa-Berichterstattung)

Yana Zabanova (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, IASS, Potsdam)

Tatiana Lanshina (independent energy expert, former youth coordinator of SDSN Russia)

Oldag Caspar (Germanwatch e.V.)

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