Online-Workshop: Being serious about the no net land take target

No net land take (NNLT) by 2050 – this is the target set twelve years ago by the EU Commission. Recently, the Commission released a proposal for a Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law that requires Member States to monitor land take in their countries.
In our webinar, organized by UBA, we want to discuss solutions and innovative ideas by policymakers and scientists on how to achieve net zero.

No net land take by 2050 – this is the target set twelve years ago by the European Commission in the Road map for a resource efficient Europe. The Commission confirmed it two years ago in its Soil Strategy 2030. Recently, the Commission released a proposal for a Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law that requires Member States to monitor land take in their countries.

How do we get from monitoring land take to achieving net zero?

In our webinar, organized by the German Environment Agency, we want to discuss solutions and innovative ideas by policymakers and scientists.

Please note the following details:

  • Thursday, February 1st, 11:30-14:00
  • Location: Virtual

Please register at Anmeldung_ug [at] oeko [dot] de until Jan. 20th, 2024. We will use your data exclusively for the organisation and running of the event. Once the conference approaches, we will send the final program and a discussion paper.
You are welcome to forward the link to interested colleagues and partners.

The draft programme is

11:30 – 11:35
Welcoming and introduction
German Environment Agency / Oeko-Institute

11:35 – 11:45
Welcome note from the EP
Manuela Ripa, MEP

11:45 – 11:55
Land take – a European phenomenon caught between soil protection and land use planning
Dr. Elisabeth Marquard/Dr. Elisabeth Henn, UFZ

11:55 – 12:05
No Net Land Take (NNLT) in sight? - ongoing activities on land take in Europe
Dr. Laura von Vittorelli, Oeko Institute

12:05 – 12:15
Gathering land take data– the method makes some difference
Prof. Stefan Fina, Hochschule Augsburg to be confirmed

12:15 – 12:30
Implementing NNLT – Pioneer countries going ahead?
Peter Lacoere HOGENT Institute, Flanders

12:30 – 12:45
EC Soil Strategy and EC Soil Monitoring Law – two game changers for land take in Europe?
Mirco Barbero, European Commission

12:45 – 13.00
Questions & Answers

13:00 – 13:15
Coffee break

13:15 – 13:55
Together towards net zero – keeping the balance between scientific needs and political and legal feasibility?
Round table, participants tbc
Presenter Dr. Ralph Bodle, Ecologic Institute

13:55 – 14:00
Final Remarks and Closing
German Environment Agency

The workshop is part of a series of virtual and in-person meetings organized by the German Environment Agency, Oeko-Institut and UFZ.

Links, documents und material

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