Simplified corporate communications about SVHCs in articles
Compliance Digital October 2021: Simplified corporate communications about SVHCs in articles
The German Environment Agency and the AskREACH project team are inviting companies around Europe to meet experts on the information duties of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) within the REACH regulation. Learn more about the consumer app Scan4Chem, the European AskREACH database for companies and an IT-solution for communication along the supply chain which simplifies information flow about SVHCs in articles.
Substances of very high concern (SVHCs) can be found in a broad variety of consumer products. The LIFE project AskREACH helps consumers to make use of their “right to know” and companies to comply with their “obligation to tell” about SVHCs in articles according to the European Chemicals Regulation REACH.
The smartphone app Scan4Chem developed by AskREACH provides European consumers in 17 countries a tool to scan articles and investigate about SVHCs. Companies, which have registered in the AskREACH database, can upload information about the presence or especially the absence of SVHCs above 0.1 weight % in their articles. This information is then automatically made available to consumers via the app and supports their purchasing decisions.
Communication about SVHCs in articles along the supply chain is another REACH requirement and a prerequisite for compliance with the obligation to inform consumers. However, it remains a challenge for many companies. During the AskREACH project period companies have the chance to test an existing IT-tool that supports information transfer between companies.
During the web conference, we will present the REACH information obligations, the AskREACH IT tools and the results from our consumer and retailer campaigns. We will discuss the following questions:
- What information are enterprises obliged to provide in accordance with REACH Article 33(2)?
- How can your company prepare for the growing numbers of SVHCs and consumer enquiries?
- What are the benefits of using the cost-free European AskREACH database?
- How can you improve your communications along the supply chain?
This will be the 5th event for companies hosted in the course of the LIFE project AskREACH.
Register until 19 October 2021.
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