No.: 6/2018Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear Reader,

Not only is protecting our climate and ensuring clean air important for both people and the environment – it also pays. After all, damage to the environment and human health is expensive. You can find out just how expensive it is in this edition of “UBA aktuell”. We also want to present you with our proposals on the action the EU should take against antibiotic resistances in the environment. Another topic: the plans of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment to gradually phase out the use of the broadband herbicide Glyphosate and what will change as a result regarding the authorisation processes for plant protection products.

Wishing you informative reading,

The UBA press office

Failing to protect the environment comes at a cost

Feuerwehr hilft bei Überschwemmung.
More heavy rainfall due to climate change can mean high costs in case of floods.
Source: asafaric /

Protecting the environment can sometimes be inconvenient and cost money. But it is even easier to lose sight of the costs when no action is taken, or when that which is, proves insufficient. And yet these costs are anything but insignificant. Greenhouse gases, air pollution and other environmental hazards damage our health, destroy ecosystems, cause animal and plant species to die out and create a considerable economic burden. As a result of the more frequent cases of flooding due to torrential rain and higher waters, climate change caused by greenhouse gases, for instance, is resulting in production outages, losses of harvests and damage to buildings and infrastructure.

It is possible to put a figure on the costs – at least an approximate one. In this respect, with its Methodological Convention 3.0 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs, the UBA has presented updated cost rates. Accordingly, one tonne of CO2, for example, causes damage to the value of 180 Euros. Extrapolated in terms of the total greenhouse gas emissions in Germany in 2016, that is equivalent to 164 billion Euros. The figure for particulate matter emissions (PM2.5) from road traffic, for example, is 59,700 Euros per tonne.

According to the latest figures from the UBA, with its considerable emissions of airborne pollutants and climate-unfriendly greenhouse gases, electricity generated by burning lignite in Germany in 2016 was responsible for environmental damage with a value of 31.2 billion Euros. That is equivalent to 20.81 Cents per kilowatt hour. By way of comparison: one kilowatt hour generated by wind energy results in an environmental cost of just 0.28 Cents. President of the UBA, Maria Krautzberger: “The steps for protecting the environment and our climate will enable us and future generations to make several billion Euros of savings through lower levels of damage to the environment and human health. This is something that we shouldn’t forget in the discussions on air pollution control or the phasing out of coal.”

UBA positions

Protecting the climate: continue the privileged status of wind turbines

To call a halt on climate change, it is necessary for emissions of greenhouse gases to continue to fall. This is an area in which renewable energies play an important role, with wind energy, in particular, offering considerable potential. The UBA therefore recommends continuing with the privileged status of wind turbines and avoiding the introduction of blanket proximity-based restrictions on distances from residential areas.  read more (in German)

Science and research

Kind auf einem Feld schau auf die entfernte Stadt.

Federal Government strengthens relations between urban and rural areas

The city and the countryside are closely interlinked, for example through daily flows of traffic and goods. In everyday practice, however, problems are common. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is now launching the “Stadt-Land-Plus” funding measure and already providing support for twelve collaborative projects between science and practice across Germany to implement new ideas. read more

Nitrogen dioxide pollution in 2017 – updated data available

Based on the data from the air monitoring networks in the German federal states, the UBA completes its official reporting on air quality to the EU. Following an update from the federal state of Hesse, two changes have occurred to the list of cities which exceed the thresholds regarding the average annual NO2 value: with 72 µg/m3, Darmstadt is now the third most polluted city, while Frankfurt is in 12th place, with 54 µg/m3.  read more (in German)

German environmental study on adult human health – GerES VI

As part of the German environmental study on adult human health (GerES VI), from 2018 until 2021, teams of researchers working on behalf of the UBA are gathering data on the environmental impact on the adult population. The teams are visiting the participants at home and measuring harmful substances in urine and blood samples, conducting interviews and, among others, examining drinking water, house dust and the quality of the indoor air.  read more (in German)

Lettuce plants do not absorb any pathogens from soil

In the agricultural sector, sewage sludge is used as a fertiliser. It frequently contains bacteria which can trigger illnesses in people. With the cultivation of lettuce plants in soil of this kind, these bacteria are not easily absorbed by the plants. The agricultural use of sewage sludge, however, can support the dissemination of antibiotic resistances in the soil. This is the conclusion of a UBA study.  read more (in German)

UBA study: awareness for socio-ecological change

A recent study by the UBA is addressing people’s ideas on a social change in the direction of sustainability and, as regards this situation, the opportunities that they are able to envisage for taking action in their living environment. The socio-scientific report is being published to complement the study entitled “Environmental awareness in Germany 2016”.  read more (in German)

New UMID: perception and communication of risks

How can citizens be appropriately and sufficiently informed about the possible risks? The latest edition of the UMID journal addresses the subject of the perception and communication of risks. Other topics: ultra-fine particles in the environmental air, heat-related indicators and geo-information systems.  read more (in German)

Industry & environment

kahle Ackerfurchen bis zum Horizont

Minister Schulze presents plan for glyphosate phase-out

The Federal Ministry for Environment has presented a plan for the gradual phase-out of the use of the broadband herbicide glyphosate. The Use of Pesticides Ordinance will be amended for this purpose. The German Environment Agency as competent body for the authorisation procedure seeks to make the authorisation of products which harm biodiversity contingent upon certain conditions of their use. read more

Cover des Magazins "40 Jahre Blauer Engel"

40th anniversary of the Blue Angel

The Blue Angel – the German government’s ecolabel – is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Since 1978 it has been setting high environmental standards for products and services, independent of economic interests. read more

Bioblo-bausteine vor einem Logo des Blauen Engel

Another toy awarded with the Blue Angel

The Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel to the Bioblos children's construction blocks from Austria at a ceremony in Berlin today. It is the second toy to be awarded the Blue Angel. read more

Lieferwagen in der Stadt

First national competition for sustainable urban logistics

Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze presented awards to the winning projects of the National Sustainable Urban Logistics Competition which the Federal Ministry for Environment launched together with the German Environment Agency. The competition distinguishes innovative logistics strategies that foster environmentally and climate-friendly transport in urban areas. read more

Lower greenhouse gas emissions thanks to renewable energy

In 2017, the use of energy from renewable sources such as solar power, wind power or biomass in Germany prevented greenhouse gases with a climate impact of approximately 177.1 million tonnes of CO2 (CO2-equivalents). Facts like this and many more are available in the latest Emissions Balance report from the Working Group on Energy Statistics (AGEE).  read more (in German)

How does emissions trading work?

Why is there a trading system for or with greenhouse gas emissions? Who determines the framework conditions and how does emissions trading actually work? An explanatory film gives answers to these questions and explains the contribution made to the protection of the climate by emissions trading.  read more (in German)

How can independence from economic growth succeed?

The world over, societal well-being depends on whether the ecological limits of the planet are complied with. A new report by the UBA is presenting ideas on how this can succeed in industrialised nations like Germany. Accordingly, protecting the environment should not be made dependent on a short-term increase in economic growth.  read more (in German)

Environment at municipal level

Protecting quiet areas: tips for noise action planning

Places in which inhabitants of urban areas go to find peace and quiet, such as local parks, are an important part of the noise action planning according to the EU Environmental Noise Directive. To date, however, few cities have made use of the “quiet areas” designation. A new brochure from the UBA provides help with the selection of the areas and the approach and highlights the wider statutory conditions.  read more (in German)

Environment at international level

solar park, wind energy plants, sun flowers

EU publishes long-term climate strategy

The Paris Agreement invites parties to provide their low carbon development strategies by 2020 in order to disclose their plans to support the implementation of the Agreement. Recently the European Commission (EC) published a set of documents presenting its analysis of options for long-term climate policy in the European Union. read more

A lake with mountains around it and blue sky.

International Mountain Day 2018: Sustainable Alps

December 11th is the designated International Mountain Day. The day was designated by the UN to show the important role of mountain regions for sustainable development. In line with this, UBA has published a background paper describing the Alpine region on its way to becoming a model region for green economy. read more

Law & legislation

Packaging Register: manufacturers can now register data

From 1 January 2019, manufacturers in Germany will be legally obliged to register data on certain packaging at the Central Packaging Register (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister / ZSVR). They are already able to forward this data online. In addition, inspectors who are interested in playing a role within the scope of the Packaging Act can now register in the ZSVR inspection register.  read more (in German)

UBA News

Recently published

englisches Titelbild mit Keim

Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistances in the Environment

Background, Challenges and Options for Action

Environmental aspects have so far only partially been addressed in the discussion of antimicrobial resistance. To bring this issue into focus, UBA compiled background information and data on the topic 'Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the environment'. The results show that previously considered requirements for reduction, from the perspective of UBA, are insufficient to adequately more

background paper
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Year of publication
Cover Fact Sheet: EU 2050 strategic vision “A Clean Planet for All”

Fact Sheet: EU 2050 strategic vision “A Clean Planet for All”

Brief Summary of the European Commission proposal

The Paris Agreement invites parties to provide their low carbon development strategies by 2020 in order to disclose their plans to support the implementation of the Agreement. The European Commission (EC) published a set of documents presenting its analysis of options for long-term climate policy in the European Union. This factsheet has been worked out for the German Environment Agency within more

fact sheet
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Year of publication
Cover of background paper Green Economy in the Alps

Green Economy in the Alps

The Alpine area wants to turn into a green economy model region. The background paper describes important aspects for a development of a green economy in the Alps in four topic areas: Low-carbon economy and adaptation to climate change, resource-efficient economy, ecosystem services and natural capital, quality of life and well-being. To complement this, current information from relevant more

background paper
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Year of publication
The cover of the publication

The Use of Natural Resources: Report for Germany 2018

In 2012, Germany made a commitment to the conservation of natural resources through the Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess). Six years after its adoption, where do we find ourselves in Germany today? The German Environment Agency supports the implementation of ProgRess through a range of measures, including the production of this report on the use of natural resources in Germany, which is more

brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Cover of publication 1987–2017: 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol

1987–2017: 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol

From the phase-out of CFCs to the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons

On 16 September 1987, 24 States and the European Community signed the Montreal Protocol. It initiated the mandatory phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and thus stopped the further destruction of the ozone layer by these substances. The switch to alternatives to CFCs with their high global warming potential also contributes to climate protection.Due to the worldwide implementation of the more

background paper
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Year of publication
Cover of publication Climate Change 24/2018 Bringing climate policy up to date – decreasing cost projections for renewable energy and batteries and their implications

Bringing climate policy up to date – decreasing cost projections for renewable energy and batteries and their implications

Discussion paper

A range of studies on nationally determined contributions (NDC) of parties to the Paris Agreement disclose, that temperature objectives of the Paris Agreement are not in reach if current NDCs are implemented. A new study, commissioned by German Environment Agency, compares pre2015 and latest levelized cost projections and shows, that certain key mitigation technologies, i.e. power generation more

Climate Change
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Year of publication
Cover of publication Climate Change 32/2018 Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions - Georgia Country Report

Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions

Georgia Country Report

The study analyses the country background, emissions trends, ongoing activities and barriers relating to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Georgia under the UNFCCC. A special emphasis is laid on further mitigation potentials in the fields of transport, energy efficiency opportunities across high-emitting industry sub-sectors and waste more

Climate Change
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Year of publication
Cover of publication Methodological Convention 3.0 for the Assessment of Environmetal Costs - Cost Rates

Methodological Convention 3.0 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs - Cost Rates

Version 02/2019

The Methodological Convention 3.0 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs contains recommendations for methods to assess environmental costs (Part “Methods”) and provides new cost rates for emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants and noise, as well as for transport and energy generation (Part “Cost rates”). The cost rates show the benefit of environmental protection for society – and more

brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Cover of publication Texte 100/2018 The WORLD Model Development and The Integrated Assessment of the Global Natural Resources Supply

The WORLD Model Development and The Integrated Assessment of the Global Natural Resources Supply

The report describes the WORLD6-Model which was adapted in the SimRess project. WORLD6 model is developed to simulate potential future supply and scarcity of a numberof natural resources. The main objective of this report is to outline the overall structure of the WORLD6 model and provide a detailed description of the “resources” module implemented in the model. In the WORLD6 model, resources more

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As recounted

1 million


Some one million employees in Germany work in organisations which comply with the strict standards of the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). With the EMAS, it is possible to achieve and transparently present improvements in energy or material efficiency, and also in the reduction of emissions, waste water and refuse, at a specific location. “Indirect” environmental factors, such as the environmental compatibility of products and services, procurement, the conduct of subcontractors and the commuting distances of employees are also documented and assessed. In addition to businesses, public sector organisations also participate in the EMAS.



Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Präsidialbereich / Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internet; Pressesprecher
Wörlitzer Platz 1
06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 340 2103-2416
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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For our environment