

Cross-media monitoring in air quality management

Neuglobsow air monitoring station

The International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on EcosystemsThe Integrated Monitoring programme monitors the effects of transboundary air pollutants on ecosystems at various sites throughout Europe. Comprehensive measurements are used to draw up water and material cycle balances on catchment scale. These detailed observations of cause-effect relationships... read more


Cadmium in particulate matter

Schornsteine vor blauem Himmel

Cadmium is toxic and cancerogenic. It belongs to the heavy metals and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more


Arsenic in particulate matter

A smoking chimney

Arsenic is toxic and can have metallic or non-metallic characteristics. It rarely occurs elementary but most of the time bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more


Heavy Metals in Particulate Matter (PM10)

Heavy metals in ambient air rarely occur elementary but most of the time bound to particulate matter. By inhalation health risks arise because some pollutants like arsenic, cadmium and nickel are classified to be cancerogenic.The European directive 2004/107/EC regulates the measurement and assessment of arsenic, cadmium and nickel in particulate matter (PM10). Lead in particulate matter... read more


Indicator: Hot days

A graph shows the number of hot days in the areal mean for 1951 to 2023. Although the trend varies greatly, the increase is clearly visible. A trend line has also been plotted on the graph which shows a significant rise.

The highest number of hot days averaged across Germany were recorded in 2003, 2015, 2018 and 2022.Despite considerable fluctuations between individual years, the overall trend is rising significantly.More hot days are expected during summer months in the coming decades due to climate change. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment