In 2018, the European Commission published its communication “A clean planet for all”, which calls for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. A thorough study commissioned by UBA assessing the underlying scenarios for policy making shows, that central aspects for building an adequate ambitious long-term climate strategy, such as socio-economic, fiscal and technological, had been considered. read more
News on Climate | Energy
Assessment of the EU’s strategic vision “A Clean Planet for All”
Climate | Energy
RESCUE: Methods
The RESCUE study is based on in-house research by the German Environment Agency (UBA) as well as research carried out by external institutions. A central part of this is the following study: „Transformationsprozess zum treibhausgasneutralen und ressourcenschonenden Deutschland“ (FKZ: 3715 41 115 0). For this a combination of five quantitative models was used. read more
Climate | Energy
RESCUE scenario GreenSupreme
GreenSupreme (“Germany – resource efficient and greenhouse gas neutral – Minimizing future greenhouse gas emissions and raw material consumption”) examines a faster transformation path in connection with the most effective assumption from the other scenarios with the goal to minimize cumulated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and raw materials consumption. read more
Climate | Energy
RESCUE scenario GreenLife
GreenLife stands for “Germany – resource efficient and GHG neutral – lifestyle changes”. The scenario analyzes changes of lifestyle and behavior in addition to measures from GreenEe and GreenMe. Current trends as well as smaller niche developments for a more environmentally friendly behavior are examined. read more
Climate | Energy
RESCUE scenario GreenMe
GreenMe stands for “Germany – resource efficient and GHG neutral – Material efficiency”. Using GreenEe as a basis, this scenario focuses on technical options to increase materials efficiency across all sectors. read more
Climate | Energy
RESCUE scenario GreenLate
GreenLate stands for „Germany – resource efficient and GHG neutral – late transition”. This scenario if characterized by delayed action and innovation towards greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality. read more
Climate | Energy
RESCUE scenarios GreenEe1 and GreenEe2
The two GreenEe scenarios stand for “Germany – resource efficient and greenhouse gas neutral – Energy efficiency” and focus on the implementation of energy efficiency measures across all sectors. read more
News on Climate | Energy
EU publishes long-term climate strategy
The Paris Agreement invites parties to provide their low carbon development strategies by 2020 in order to disclose their plans to support the implementation of the Agreement. Recently the European Commission (EC) published a set of documents presenting its analysis of options for long-term climate policy in the European Union. read more