KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
INNIG - Integrated flood risk management in an individualised society
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
Climate Office for Central Germany
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
EuroHEAT - Improving public health responses to weather extremes, in particular to heat-waves
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
CLAMER - Climate Change and European Marine Ecosystem Research
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Airguns - an underestimated disruptive factor
The oceans surrounding Antarctica are among the few regions in the world where there is little underwater noise caused by human activities. An UBA study shows that the scientific use of airguns can emit noise in to this sanctuary at distances of 2000 kilometres which may reduce the naturally available communication range of blue and fin whales to as little as 1%. read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KFM: Climate Effect Management - Regional management of climate effects in the Hanover/Braunschweig/Göttingen metropolitan region
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
ESPACE - European Spatial Planning: Adapting to Climate Events