
Human biomonitoring in Europe

Waving flags of Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Belgium and the European Union

European environment and health policy attaches great importance to the human biomonitoring (HBM) tool for the determination of the environmental burden on the population. However previous or ongoing HBM studies in several European countries deal with different issues. read more



Mutter und Kind beim Memory-Spielen, die Mutter deckt ein Kärtchen mit einer Schlange auf, der Junge schaut neugierig unter die Karte, bevor sie ganz aufgedeckt ist

DEMOCOPHES is the acronym for a European project to test the feasibility of a human biomonitoring study in 17 European countries by means of common guidelines and using same methods. These guidelines were drawn up in the context of the COPHES project, of which DEMOCOPHES is an integral part. It has now been completed and the first European results delivered. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment
