

Indicator: Ecological status of lakes

A graph shows the distribution of the environmental status and potential of the lakes for the years 2015 and 2021. The target for 2027 is also shown (100 percent ‘good’ or ‘very good’). In 2021, 24.7 percent showed at least a good status or good potential.

In 2021 24.7 % of the lakes in Germany were in at least good ecological status or showed at least a good ecological potential.According to the Water Framework Directive the target was 100 % by 2015. Now there is a deadline extension until 2027.Germany is still far from achieving this target. The timeframe until 2027 must be used to achieve these ambitious goals. read more



A tractor spreading fertilizer on a field

In as much as nitrogen is an indispensable nutrient for all living things, the use of mineral and organic nitrogen fertilizers to increase crop yields is a common practice. It is essential that such fertilizer be used judiciously and on a needs oriented basis. Nitrogen surpluses can damage terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and can have harmful climatic, air quality, and biodiversity effects. read more


Ammonia, dust and odour emissions

Pigs on a meadow

Intensive livestock farming is a key agricultural sector in Germany, but one that unfortunately generates ammonia emissions, odours and dust that are hazardous to the environment and a nuisance to persons living in close proximity to livestock farms. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment