greenhouse gas neutral

News on Climate | Energy

Guide for greenhouse gas-neutral administrations published

Four-storey office building with a façade made of wood and colourful glass elements; a photovoltaic system stands on the green roof

“Public administrations must pioneer and be a role model in climate protection”, said Dirk Messner, President of the German Environment Agency (UBA) at an online meeting of the Network of Heads of European Environmental Administrations (EPA Network) on November 25th. He presented UBA’s guide on greenhouse gas neutral administrations, now also available in English. read more

Economy | Consumption

Climate-neutral lifestyle: Consumers lead the way

Creating a climate-neutral society is not an abstract goal but rather a set of real ideas about how our daily lives might look and work in future. In some respects, our lives will change in fundamental ways, whereas in other areas we can carry on as we have been doing all along. The basic characteristics of this future everyday life can already be discerned.We can and ought to already adopt some o... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment