


Gronspanplatten gestapelt

Formaldehyde may be contained in wood-based materials, e.g. for construction and furniture, as a constituent of adhesives, and is considered to be carcinogenic. Here are answers to key questions from the perspective of indoor air hygiene. read more


Commissions and Working Groups

etwa 10 Leute sitzen auf einer Veranstaltung an U-förmig aufgestellten Tischen mit Namensschildern und Laptops, vorne läuft ein Beamer

Experts from federal and other authorities, from universities and other research institutes give advice to the Federal Environment Agency in commissions and working groups. Recommended actions are worked out after intensive discussion. Otherwise the Federal Environment Agency provides advice to working groups of federal government and German federal states as well as to the WHO. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment