

Indicator: Recycling municipal waste

A graph shows the proportions of processed and recycled municipal waste in the total quantity of municipal waste from 2002 to 2021. During this period the proportion of recycled municipal waste rose from 56.1 to 67.8 percent.

The recycling rate for municipal waste rose from 56 % in 2002 to 67.8 % in 2021.The target set by the Federal Government of increasing the recycling percentage for municipal waste to 65 % by 2020 has therefore been achieved.However, there is still a need for action for individual subgroups of municipal waste. read more

News on Waste | Resources

Increasing the recycling of precious and minor metals

Board of a processor, on it a recycling symbol

To increase recycling of precious and minor metals, a German Environment Agency study concludes that dismantling and recycling obligations plus information obligations for WEEE and motors with neodymium magnets and end-of-life vehicle electronics may be appropriate. It also recommends consolidation workshops and adjustments to legislation regarding the long-term interim storage of minor metals. read more

News on Waste | Resources

UBA welcomes EU proposal on single use plastics

eine Strandkrabbe sitzt in der Öffnung einer halben leeren Plastikflasche, die am Strand als Müll liegt

The European Commission issued a legislative proposal with seven measures for reducing waste on European beaches. The main aim of the proposal is to reduce the input of the most frequent plastic waste categories (top litter items). These are mainly single-use products such as food containers, cups, plastic bottles and cigarette butts, but also balloon sticks. read more

News on Waste | Resources

Germany’s raw material stockpile:What’s in buildings, roads, etc?

ein Plattenbau wird abgerissen

Extracting more and more new raw materials is unsustainable. The future ideal is a closed-loop, circular economy which, through “urban mining”, obtains many of its raw materials from end-of-life houses, piping, cables, cars and appliances rather than from mines and quarries. An UBA study has determined the types and quantities of potential secondary raw materials available in Germany. read more

Waste | Resources

Climate protection in the waste management sector

Bio-gas plant

Waste management makes an important contribution to climate protection. Recycling, the energetic use of residual waste, and capturing and utilizing landfill gas contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Germany, the landfill ban for untreated municipal solid waste (MSW) set an important impulse for this development. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment