residual waste treatment plant

Waste | Resources

Mechanical-biological treatment

Waste sorting facilitie

Mechanical-biological waste treatment facilities are a mainstay of sustainable and environmentally safe waste management in Germany. Mechanical-biological waste treatment – which is by no means a standalone waste disposal process – involves making sorted individual waste available for recycling or disposal. read more

Waste | Resources

Waste disposal

A backhoe pushes together the waste of the waste landfill

Pursuant to Germany’s Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz law, waste is to be disposed of in a safe and environmentally compatible manner, whereby the top priority in this regard is protecting human health and the environment. Various waste treatment, recycling and disposal techniques are used, depending on the nature of the waste in question and the waste management objective. read more

Waste | Resources

Waste management

Waste sorting facilitie

Waste management is responsible for the entire waste cycle: from waste prevention, re-use and recycling to recovery and disposal. Their tasks include collection, transport, ,sorting and treatment of waste. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment