Sustainable Development Goals

News on Chemicals

New Global Framework on Chemicals adopted

The 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management took place from 25 to 29 September 2023

The Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC) adopted at the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn sets concrete targets and guidelines for the entire lifecycle of chemicals. In addition to this framework, the conference also adopted the Bonn Declaration, in which ministers and delegation leaders committed to the implementation of the GFC. read more

News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

International workshop on corruption prevention: video statement

next to a recently sprouted plant a hand stacks coins

From 14 to 16 February 2023, the International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability at the UBA (abbreviated to "TES Academy") held a three-day workshop on "Corruption Prevention as a Prerequisite for Successful Sustainability Transformation". In a video statement, the participating international experts call for cooperation in the prevention of corruption. read more

News on Chemicals

Towards a sustainable chemical intensity

So far, economic development causes chemical intensification, still too often disproportionate high

The Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 are only achievable if chemicals are used in the right extent, says the German Environment Agency (UBA). The risks for health and the environment need to be globally minimized. At the same time, the opportunities for the societies by chemicals need to be maximized worldwide. Read more in our Thought Starter. read more

News on Economy | Consumption, Waste | Resources and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Database presents German initiatives on UN sustainability goal 12

Home page of the SDG 12 database

In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 goals for worldwide socially, ecologically and economically sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). The SDG 12 database shows which developments have taken place in Germany since then with regard to Goal 12 "Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns". It currently comprises more than 120 activities. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment