soil function

Soil | Land

Soil of the Year

Red grapes on a vineyard.

Germany is blessed with many different types of soil. In the interest of shedding greater light on the world beneath our feet, each December 5th, on World Soil Day, the Soil of the Year is presented. A panel of experts selects the soil in question. In announcing the Soil of the Year, the panel indicatesamong other things its characteristics, origin and significance for today’s society. read more

Soil | Land

Soil compaction

Photo of a tyre track on an arable.

Farm vehicles exert pressure on the soil that varies according to equipment weight. If the weight generated underneath the tires exceeds ground stability, the soil particles are compacted; this in turn degrades soil quality. And as farm equipment grows ever heavier, problems can result. read more

Soil | Land

Substances in the soil

Photo of soils in a glas.

Soil pollutants are ubiquitous. They stem from natural sources, factories, farming, transportation, and households. Deposits of such soil pollutants can seep into the groundwater or are uptaken by plants, they can pose an environmental and health risk. read more

Soil | Land

Soil functions

A mole on the surface.

Soil carries out myriad functions that are free of charge and extremely powerful, and that are what make soil so valuable not only to us but also to natural flora and fauna. Clean water and healthy food are only obtainable if our soils are healthy too. And while the soil supports myriad functions, it also needs stewardship. read more

Soil | Land

Soil science

A floor pit with differently coloured layers.

Germany has many different kinds of soil, which are studied and described by soil scientists. As in the plant kingdom, a distinction is made between the various types of soil. The properties of the numerous so called strong soil types differ greatly in terms of the mechanisms with which they control environmental processes. We human beings are the main beneficiaries of these functions. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment