Corona Sustainability Compass

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The coronavirus crisis is presenting our society with huge challenges. In crises, however, things often become possible that seemed inconceivable yesterday. During crises, new ideas for a better future can emerge.

Corona Sustainability Compass – manage today, master tomorrow

The coronavirus crisis is presenting our healthcare system with some huge challenges: those who have fallen prey to the virus have to be helped to prevent the virus from spreading, and vaccines and medicinal products need to be developed. The economy and public life are practically at a standstill. Businesses are facing a huge squeeze on their liquidity. Many companies are asking their employees to work short-time. Not only are people worried about their health, they are also worried about their economic survival. In an acute emergency situation of this kind, it is absolutely right for the state to provide generous and unbureaucratic support – to pave the way for the economy to recover as soon as the crisis is gone.

In managing the coronavirus crisis, however, it is also important to not lose sight of the bigger challenges ahead: the impact of global warming, the excess consumption of resources far beyond what planet earth can cope with and the loss of biodiversity. We believe that the current coronavirus crisis offers a unique opportunity to rethink current models of business and to shape a new economic start on a more sustainable and future-proof basis.

It is only natural that in times of great uncertainty, people prefer to rely on tried-and-tested routines instead of new, forward-looking strategies. In crises, however, things often become possible that seemed inconceivable yesterday. During crises, new ideas for a better future can also emerge. In the “Corona Sustainability Compass (CSC) – manage today, master tomorrow” blog, which will go online in the week before Easter, authors including leading scientists, decision-makers from the world of business and politicians will make their personal contribution to the debate.

Ecology of data: we should use the coronavirus crisis as ...

In times of upheaval, we see developmental trends in a magnifying glass. The question isn't just what the coronavirus crisis “does to us”; on the contrary, “what we do” with the crisis is far more relevant. The momentum of the crisis should be used to turn the juxtaposition and partial opposition of two very important developmental trends into a collaborative process for creating something new: .. read more

COVID-19: let’s make sure we don’t learn the wrong lesson

We are in the midst of one of the biggest global wake-up calls in history, threatening both individual lives and entire economic and social systems. Let’s make sure we don’t learn the wrong lesson. It’s not just a public health emergency. It’s something bigger. It’s nature telling us that the new global ecology that we have created through our ravaging of Earth’s resources holds great risks for .. read more

Risks and opportunities in responding to the coronavirus crisis

“The only thing missing right now is an invasion by extra-terrestrials,” is what a friend who works as a journalist said to me at the weekend. Her words seemed to sum up the strange situation in which our society currently finds itself. Over the months to come, decisions will be taken that determine our lives in the 2020s. read more

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