The Federal Ministry for Environment has presented a plan for the gradual phase-out of the use of the broadband herbicide glyphosate. The Use of Pesticides Ordinance will be amended for this purpose. The German Environment Agency as competent body for the authorisation procedure seeks to make the authorisation of products which harm biodiversity contingent upon certain conditions of their use. read more
Minister Schulze presents plan for glyphosate phase-out
Studies of mercury, acrylamide and pesticides exposure
The human biomonitoring initiative known as HBM4EU was launched nearly one year ago with a funding volume of 74 million euros. The project has now decided to take a closer look at nine new substances including mercury, acrylamide, glyphosate and fipronil. read more
International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre celebrates first year anniversary
The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) was launched about one year ago. The guests of an anniversary event held in Bonn represented government, industry, science and civil society praising the Center’s successful start and looked ahead to the future tasks and goals of ISC3. read more
Plant protection product application by helicopter – only after close scrutiny, even on Natura 2000 sites
Pesticides may only be applied on Natura 2000 sites if the procedure has received prior approval for tolerability in accordance with an exacting authorisation procedure under EU nature conservation law. The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) have produced a guide for the responsible authorities in the Länder on how to conduct this check. read more
Boat hull paints – a problem for our waters
Copper emissions from antifouling paints should be reduced read more
Online survey: Chemicals in consumer goods
Certain chemical substances are harmful to man and the environment. As part of the “AskREACH” EU LIFE project, staff in companies which produce or sell consumer products are able to partake in an online survey on “Substances of Very High Concern” in manufactured products until 30 September 2018. The results will be incorporated in the development of a Europe wide database and app. read more
Environmental performance of agriculture sector: still too many nutrients and chemicals
CAP reform offers chance for more environmentally friendly agriculture on a broad scale read more
UBA issues recommendations to fight micropollutants in water bodies
Persistent substances in the water can lead to long-term problems. read more