German Climate Atlas

In its German Climate Atlas (Deutscher Klimaatlas), the German Meteorological Service (DWD) presents possible future climate scenarios, in comparison with the current climate and the climate in earlier times. A comparison of yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's climate gives a particularly graphic impression of how the mean values of the weather elements in Germany have already changed today and are likely to change in the future:
The German Climate Atlas is constantly being improved and expanded with new climate parameters.
For the future climate projections, different emission scenarios can be selected. However, at present, model calculations only exist for the emission scenario A1B; more will follow as soon as they are available, for example RCP2.6/3PD, RCP4.5, RCP6, RCP8.5 from the 5th assessment report of the IPCC (2013/14). RCP stands for "Representative Concentration Pathway".
Results are shown from a collection of up to 21 regional climate models. This wide variety of model results can only be displayed statistically. For this reason, the maps of the 85th, 50th and 15th percentile of the collective results are shown representatively.
Currently, users can choose between 15 different parameters. At present, the weather elements of air temperature and precipitation height are displayed, as well as parameters derived from these, many of which are only of interest for agriculture, with its strong dependency on weather and climate. Bit by bit, further relevant weather elements and derived parameters will be added to the German Climate Atlas (available weather elements are: air temperature, ice days, frost days, summer days, hot days, tropical nights, precipitation, start of growing season, days with intermittent frost, start of full flowering period of winter rape, soil moisture, maturation of maize). Further special parameters can be selected for the agriculture, forestry and soil protection sectors.
selectable time frames are 2011-2040, 2021-2050, 2031-2060, 2041-2070, 2051-2080, 2061-2090 and 2071-2100;
the maps of the future climate projections show the differences between a 30-year standard period in the future, and the 30-year standard period 1961-1990
Information on the possible development of the climate change is shown as a basis for analysing possible effects.
Climate change scenarios are provided that are also intended to for the development of adaptation measures.
German Meteorological Service (DWD)
German Meteorological Service (DWD)
DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst
Postfach 10 04 65
D-63004 Offenbach