Germany under climate change: Adaptation capacity and paths to a climate resilient society 2050

Climate change is altering the general framework of our social system. It impacts on all economic sectors and influences every aspect of society's life.
Based on an analysis of German adaptation policy, this project involves developing a concept and an empirical description of adaptation capacity in Germany. The empirical description will use the example of "Construction and Housing" needs. In addition, concepts will be developed for a climate resilient Germany, also using the example of "Construction & Housing" needs, and back casting used to derive corresponding design paths. Concept development will be based on an analysis of social transformation processes and will utilise findings from transformation research. The objective of the project is to develop recommendations for how the German government's adaptation policy supports national adaptation capacity and its ability to prepare the way for a climate resilient society.
The objectives of the project are:
Climate change impacts on all economic sectors and influences all sections of society
Recommendations will be developed for the path towards a climate resilient society. Analysis and evaluation of adaptation capacity is a central component of the project.
The central concern of the project is an analysis of German adaptation policy. Based on this, adaptation capacity in Germany will be described conceptually and empirically. This will involve the following steps:
The objective is to develop recommendations for how the government's adaptation policy can support adaptation capacity and prepare the way for a climate resilient society.
German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU);
Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung GmbH (ISOE);
Climate Media Factory UG;
e-fect dialog evaluation consulting eG;
Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH (gemeinnützig)
Potsdamerstraße 105
D-10785 Berlin