Lake Balaton Integrated Vulnerability Assessment, Early Warning and Adaptation Strategies

Background and Goals

The project aims to draw together the results of existing scientific studies on the Lake Balaton region on the topic of sustainability in the context of global and local changes (demographic, climatic, economic and land use). This is meant to contribute to the formulation of effective policy instruments and adaptation measures.

The project will empower stakeholders to develop a lake and catchment area-specific information system in order to

  • identify, understand and follow up on critical aspects of vulnerability and sustainable development,
  • identify and analyze adaptation strategies and policy instruments,
  • initialize pilot projects on adaptation to generate positive environmental effects and increase the resilience of social and ecological systems,
  • be able to communicate the project results to relevant local, national and international circles and
  • carry out monitoring and an evaluation of the project.

Content time

Research area/region

  • Hungary

Steps in the process of adaptation to climate change

Step 2a: Identify and assess risks - climate effects and impact

Approach and results 

Water scarcity and water quality

Step 2b: Identify and assess risks - Vulnerability, risks and chances

Approach and results 

The products of the project encompasses a better understanding of vulnerabilities as a combined effect of global and local dynamics such as changes in land use and climate. Through its training component the project leads to a measurable improvement in vulnerability assessment and adaptive capacity. Familiarity with Lake Balaton notably increases awareness of climate change, vulnerability and adaptation on the local, national and international level.

Step 3: Develop and compare measures

Measures and/or strategies 

The project will empower stakeholders to develop a lake and catchment area-specific information system in order to

  • identify and analyze adaptation strategies and policy instruments,
  • initialize pilot projects on adaptation to generate positive environmental effects and increase the resilience of social and ecological systems.


Funding / Financing 

GEF (SPA): US$985,000

Government of Hungary: US$3,000,000

UNEP: US$50,000

IISD (in kind): US$40,000

TOTAL: US$4,075,000

Project management 

UNDP RBEC Regional Support Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia


The Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency (LBDCA) (executive arm of LBDC);
Lake Balaton Alliance (an association of the local governments in Lake Balaton region);
Educational and research institutions (high schools, universities, research institutes);
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

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Fields of action:
 fishery  water regime and water management  woodland and forestry