KlimaWaGe - Commercial and industrial areas adapted to climate change. Guidelines for the development of climate change-adapted industrial and commercial areas (KIG)

Background and Goals

The guideline bundles basic information, key findings, possible approaches and practical tips from the KlimaWaGe project, which are intended to help create a basis for projects to develop existing and new developments and replanning of climate change-adapted industrial and commercial areas in German municipalities. The focus is on the one hand on methodological recommendations for determining the consequences of climate change in industrial and commercial areas and on the other hand on transferrable measures for their development. A distinction is made between new development, conversion and existing development.
The guidelines are primarily aimed at stakeholders in German cities and communities as well as in research and planning, because they play an important role in climate adaptation. It should be an incentive for adaptation measures for climate adapted industrial and commercial areas’ development and help to understand these as cross-sectoral processes. In the sense of better comprehensibility and transferability, concrete findings from the lighthouse project in the city of Bottrop are presented as examples and linked to general considerations.

The modules of the guide are designed to be used as a framework for the climate change adapted industrial and commercial area development process. Each module collects suggestions for a methodical approach for the targeted, strategic and integrated development of climate change adapted industrial and commercial areas. The focus is on the specific requirements of adapting to heavy rain and heat stress, which is why general or abstract approaches are only partially discussed.

Content time


Research area/region

  • Germany
Region of implementation (all German federal states)
  • Northrhine-Westphalia
Natural spatial classification
  • Nationwide
Spatial resolution 

The project was tested using the example of the city of Bottrop. The product of the project is not specific to Bottrop, but generally applicable to commercial and industrial areas in Germany.


Steps in the process of adaptation to climate change

Step 1: Understand and describe climate change

Parameter (climate signals)
  • Heat waves
  • Extreme precipitation (incl. hail, snow)
Time horizon
  • short term = next year’s / decades
  • medium term = to 2050

Step 2a: Identify and assess risks - climate effects and impact

Approach and results 

Carrying out a climate impact analysis for commercial and industrial areas for the present and future time periods (2021-2050) in Bottrop.
Knowledge of climatic influences is also an essential part of future-proof and controlled settlement development, especially climate change adapted industrial and commercial areas development, since industrial and commercial areas can suffer significant functional losses even with minor climatic influences. In addition to the climate change adapted industrial and commercial areas development and planning, a climate impact analysis can also be part of an upstream city-wide alternative assessment and thereby identify climate change adaptation potential on areas to be newly developed, in existing areas and on areas for conversion. At best, the results and especially the basic data of the climate impact analysis are included in the formal environmental assessment.

The climate impact analysis in Bottrop was carried out in full for the 20 existing commercial areas; there was no concrete information and data for the areas of conversion and new construction with regard to concrete future development. The considered climate signals of heat and heavy rain and their impact on the sensitivity levels of the working population, function-specific and object-specific sensitivities correspond to the focus of the KlimaWaGe project. Various scenarios were created in order to depict the climatic effects to be expected in the future.

Step 2b: Identify and assess risks - Vulnerability, risks and chances

Approach and results 

The aim is to reduce the climate impacts in industrial and commercial areas and to increase the adaptive capacity of those involved in the development of commercial and industrial areas, which as a result reduce the vulnerability of the working population, the building structures and network-related infrastructures. Consequently, the KlimaWaGe consortium aims to reduce the vulnerability of industrial and commercial areas in general, without naming the amount of the reduction in concrete terms. This follows a pragmatic and hands-on approach, against the background of dealing with uncertainty related to climate change i.a. recommend.
To achieve the goal, a SWOT analysis was carried out in the KlimaWaGe project as part of the strategy development based on extensive basic analyzes and the ideas workshop. This approach made it possible to develop a tailor-made strategy for Bottrop. In the course of the SWOT analysis, the following strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified for three exemplary industrial and commercial areas in Bottrop.

Strategies were developed on this basis. Overall urban strategies, area-typical strategies for the development of existing areas, area-typical strategies for conversion, area-typical strategies for new planning

In order to take into account the uncertainties associated with climate change in strategy development, the KlimaWaGe consortium took up strategic approaches recommended in the scientific literature for dealing with uncertainties in connection with climate change consequences
● soft strategies based on collaborative approaches with consensus as the functional equivalent of legal norms;
● Consideration of the general goals of increasing adaptive capacity and reducing vulnerability,
● Pursuit of strategies for sequential realization and inclusion of a range of possible developments in planning concepts using scenario techniques,
● Pursue no-regret strategies.

Urgency and priorization of adaptation needs 

In the KlimaWaGe project, the strategies primarily pursued the general reduction of the vulnerability of the industrial and commercial areas and, through the intensive participation of various planning disciplines of the city administration, partly took up approaches of soft strategies. In addition, some developed strategies have elements of no-regret strategies and strategies of sequential realization. Examples of this are the facilitation of temporary uses in the development of new industrial and commercial areas or the extensive maintenance, safeguarding and, if necessary, expansion of climate-ecological (and social) functions of green structures, taking into account the upgrading of commercial and industrial areas.

Step 3: Develop and compare measures

Measures and/or strategies 

On the way from strategy to implementation, actions are the key element of the intended development of. In the context of the KlimaWaGe project, measures meant the actions and regulations that reduce the vulnerability of commercial and industrial areas - including that of the working population, land use and structural objects as well as network-related infrastructures - to the consequences of climate change (especially heat stress and heavy rain-related flooding). On the one hand, they are based on (municipal) scope for action, which can vary greatly depending on the new development, existing development or conversion, and on the other hand on the core tasks of the administration; plan, approve, control, advise and inform. In addition, the measures were focused, which are based on methods, procedures and instruments of planning practice.

The possible measures collected according to the scope for action and core tasks were transferred to a strategy-measures matrix, whereby an initial review of the measures took place with regard to a targeted, strategic suitability.
On the basis of the strategy-measures matrix, KlimaWaGe proposed measures in the form of two urban planning drafts and supplementary contractual agreements for the development of a new building area and a conversion area adapted to the heat and strength of the weather, which are prepared as examples in the measure profiles and in the context of two simulation games with local administrative employees have been tried and tested.

Time horizon
  • Presence
  • 2021–2050 (near future)

Step 4: Plan and implement measures

Measures and/or strategies 

Which measures are suitable for adapting industrial and commercial areas to climate change depends on a number of different factors. Overriding aspects are, on the one hand, the political support of measures and the structural anchoring of climate adaptation in municipal administration, including the provision of personnel and financial resources. On the other hand, the involvement and constellation of (local) actors and responsible institutions is crucial, as is raising awareness and strengthening the population's ability to provide for themselves. The implementation of concrete measures depends on the type of climate change adapted industrial and commercial areas development project. The chances and possibilities are very large, especially in new planning, if long-lasting construction and infrastructure are influenced at an early stage. In the development of existing stock, the challenges are greater and the development opportunities are often smaller and more complex, since the areas are usually already fully developed and an existing, but often no longer up-to-date planning law prevails. At the same time, the greatest need for action is usually in existing areas. Therefore, the KlimaWaGe project tested and developed various measures for the existing and new development in Bottrop. The results are presented using the example of the Kraneburger Feld.
According to the scope for action and the findings from the literature as well as the testing of measures within the framework of the simulation games carried out, the KlimaWaGe project developed transferrable recommendations for measures in the form of determination content, content of urban development contracts. In addition, the KlimaWaGe project further developed the use of microclimatic modeling in the planning process and the interdisciplinary approach in the planning process.
The aim of the modeling is to identify the planning variants that have the least impact from heat stress or heavy rain. These models can be embedded in the formal framework of an environmental assessment and thus offer a well-founded evidence base in considerations. According to § 1 Para. 6 No. 7 j) BauGB, the susceptibility of the projects permitted under the development plan to serious accidents or catastrophes must be taken into account when preparing the land use plans. As part of the KlimaWaGe project, exemplary modeling was carried out with regard to the microclimatic situation in the course of climate change adaptation of three commercial and industrial example areas.


Funding / Financing 

Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as a municipal flagship project as part of the "Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change" funding program.

Project management 

City of Bottrop
IRPUD, tu technical university dortmund


City of Bottrop
IRPUD, tu technical university dortmund


Tilman Christian (Stadt Bottrop)
tilman [dot] christian [at] bottrop [dot] de
D 02041 703749

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Fields of action:
 industry and commerce