Model region KBKB - Climate Alliance Kiel Bay to a climate adaptation model region

Climate change is likely to have significant consequences for Baltic tourism, both positive and negative. On the one hand, due to increasing heat periods in the Mediterranean destinations and the warmer and longer-lasting summer on the Baltic Sea, an increase in the number of guests is expected at the same time as the season is extended. On the other hand, an increase in extreme storm events will further the demolition of the coastline, which means increased investment in coastal protection. These are just two of many challenges.
In order to be able to react in a timely and appropriate manner and jointly develop measures to adapt to climate change, the Climate Alliance Kieler Bucht was initiated at the beginning of 2010, initiated by the Department of Coastal Geography & Climate Impact Research of Kiel University and the mayor of Schönberg.
The Climate Alliance Kieler Bay is an association of 20 Baltic Sea communities, scientific, touristic and institutional institutions with the aim to mediate and initiate climate adaptation measures. Wherever it makes sense to implement adaptation projects, climate protection measures are also taken into account. The main areas of action are coastal protection and the tourism sector.
Merger of 20 Baltic Sea communities in Kiel Bay: Kappeln, Damp, Waabs, Eckernförde, Noer, Schwedeneck, Strande, Dänischenhagen, Kiel, Mönkeberg, Heikendorf, Laboe, Stein, Wendtorf, Wisch, Schönberg, Stakendorf, Hohenfelde, Hohwacht and Blekendorf
Information services such as the brochure "Schietwetter - Na und?" Are used to point out climate risks at events together with municipalities and experts from science and industry. At the Kieler Woche, the KBKB presented a six-square-meter model of the Baltic Sea coast in the context of climate change, which playfully draws attention to climate impacts such as coastal erosion and shows possibilities for adaptation in coastal protection, tourism and the energy sector.
In 2014 and 2015, the KBKB, together with the partner communities Laboe and Eckernförde, organized the "KLIMALE küste klima kunst", an informative and entertaining beach festival on climate change. A climatic and coastal adventure trail connecting all communities from Laboe to Schoenberg is also dedicated to the effects of climate change.
The KBKB supports the state capital Kiel with technical expertise, workshops, student theses and internships in the development of an adaptation strategy. Within the scope of this process, the KBKB has produced the brochure "Schietwetter - Na und?", which points out opportunities for private risk management in Kiel.
In the light of climate change, the issues of coastal protection and beach management are of particular importance to most coastal communities in the Baltic Sea: (Where) are flood-prone areas? How can the erosion of the touristically important sandy beaches be stopped? What should be done when removing Treibsel from the spa beaches? And what options are there for using this biological resource? These and other questions have been discussed intensively since 2010 with the partners in the KBKB at several symposia and workshops.
Workshops such as "Saddling Up for the Bicycle-Friendly Travel Region" bring together representatives from many communities, tourism organizations and businesses to discuss the needs and opportunities for climate-conscious tourism.
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Christian Albrechts-University Kiel
City of Kiel and 19 other municipalities of Kiel Bay
Büro für Umwelt und Küste
Förde Sparkasse
State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas Schleswig-Holstein
EUCC-D Coast Union Germany e.V.
Landesnaturschutzverband Schleswig-Holstein
North German coastal and climate office
Stiftung Deutscher Küstenschutz
Coastal Research & Management
LAG AktivRegion Hügelland am Ostseestrand e.V.
Tourist Association Schleswig-Holstein
Baltic Sea*
Consumer Center SH
NIT - New Insights for Tourism