PRUDENCE - Prediction of regional scenarios and uncertainties for defining European climate change risks and effects

To address and reduce deficiencies in climate projections,to quantify confidence and uncertainties in predictions of future climate and its impacts, using an array of climate models and impact models and expert judgement on their performance,to interpret these results in relation to European policies for adapting to or mitigating climate change.
Horizontal grid spacing of about 50 km and a few additional simulations have been made on about 20 km and even finer, eg. 12 km
temperature and precipitation; sea surface temperature will be available
"Risk assessment of European weather and climate extremes in future regional forecast scenarios/Winter storms: Extreme wind speeds increase between 45°N and 55°N, except over and south of the Alps, and become more north-westerly. These changes are associated with reductions in mean sea-level pressure and generate more North Sea storms, leading to increases in storm surge along the North Sea coast, especially in Holland, Germany and Denmark." (Christensen 2005: 104 f.)
The project will provide a quantitative assessment of the risks arising from changes in regional weather and climate in different parts of Europe, by estimating future changes in extreme events such as flooding and windstorms and by providing a robust estimation of the likelihood and magnitude of such changes.
Client: European Commission, Brussels
Researcher: Danish Meteorological Institute (Copenhagen)
Hesselbjerg Christensen; Jens 2005: Prediction of Regional scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining Europenn Climate change risks an Effects. Brussels