Adaptation: Field of action industry and commerce

Pipelines on a factory siteClick to enlarge
Even industrial production is affected by climate change.
Source: Thorsten Schier/

There are a multitude of possible adaptation measures for companies. Systematic, forward-looking risk management helps companies to take the necessary precautionary measures.

Promotion of adaptation measures in companies

The state can promote climate adaptation in industry and commerce through various measures, such as information campaigns, advisory services, adaptation bonuses or targeted subsidies. Regulatory market changes, such as safety standards in the context of building regulations, also create a framework for action for adaptation.

Furthermore, motivation and acceptance are important factors for climate adaptation in companies. If it is clear that companies are affected, adaptation is often also in their economic interest. Risk analyses for specific economic sectors or supply chains can contribute to an increase in risk perception.

Adaptation options for companies

There is a wide range of possible adaptation measures for companies. Successful adaptation requires systematic, forward-looking risk management that includes measures to mitigate and control climate and weather risks. Climate checks and other holistic approaches based on corporate risk management systems can be used to analyse operational processes and take appropriate precautionary measures.

Companies can counter possible supply bottlenecks for raw materials and the resulting production delays by diversifying their locations, suppliers and raw materials more strongly. In addition, the storage of raw materials and flexible timing of production steps are effective adaptation measures. In this way, companies are also less vulnerable to disruptions or damage to transport infrastructure as a result of extreme weather events.

Indicator from the monitoring on the DAS: Intensity of water consumption in the manufacturing sector