Research projects

Rechenschieber mit grünen Kugeln im Vordergrund.Click to enlarge
Scientific studies provide valuable insight into green procurement
Source: Tobias Kaltenbach/

Overview of German Environment Agency (UBA) and Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) research on green procurement

Table of Contents


Multiplication of green public procurement at federal, state and municipal level against the backdrop of greater implementation of the new procurement regulations

The research project (FKZ 3719 37 3080) was carried out by Berliner Energieagentur GmbH together with the law firm Becker Büttner Held on behalf of the German Environment Agency from August 2019 to October 2022.



Raising the profile of green procurement by implementing modernised public procurement law in practice

This study is carried out jointly by Berliner Energieagentur GmbH and law firm Becker Büttner Held on behalf of the German Environment Agency; it started in June 2017 and is slated for completion by February 2021.



Elaborating scientific fundamentals for promoting the consideration of environmental criteria in awarding public contracts

The IÖW (Institute for Ecological Economy Research) and the Öko-Institut e.V. carried out this study (project code 3715 37 3260) on behalf of the German Environment Agency from September 2015 to February 2019.



Scientific support for green procurement processes

This research project was carried out from 2013 to 2016 by the IÖW (Institute for Ecological Economy Research) and Öko-Institut e.V. on behalf of the German Environment Agency (project code 3713 95 321).


  • Rechtsgutachten - Umweltfreundliche öffentliche Beschaffung (January 2017)
  • Schulungsskript 1: Grundlagen der umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung (December 2016)
  • Schulungsskript 2: Rechtliche Grundlagen der umweltfreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung (December 2016; integrated into training script 1 in 2018)
  • Schulungsskript 4: Strategische Marktbeobachtung und -analyse  (December 2016)
  • Berechnungswerkzeug für Lebenszykluskosten (LCC-Tool) verschiedener Produkte (August 2015) 
    This life cycle costing tool allows for across the board costing of computers, multi-function devices, computer screens, computing centres, flooring, refrigerators and washing machines.

Strengthening green public procurement

The Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency) has commissioned Berliner Energieagentur GmbH to carry out a study titled “Stärkung der umweltfreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung” (Strengthening green public procurement) that is slated for completion by march of 2015.



Green procurement optimization research project

The green procurement optimization research project titled Weiterentwicklung der Umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung unter Bezugnahme auf den EU-Aktionsplan für Nachhaltigkeit in Konsum- und Produktion und eine nachhaltige Industriepolitik (SCP/SIP-Aktionsplan) und die EU-Mitteilung zum umweltorientieten öffentlichen Beschaffungswesen was carried out by Institut für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung (IÖW) and Öko-Institut e.V. on behalf of the UBA. The project came to an end in October 2012.


  • Regelungen der Bundesländer auf dem Gebiet der umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung [Regulations in the German Länder in the field of green public procurement] (December 2011)
  • Rechtsgutachten Umweltfreundliche öffentliche Beshaffung [Legal opinion Green public procurement] (2012)

During the research project, the following training documents on green procurement (six in all) were updated:

  • Schulungsskript 1: Grundlagen der umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung [Training script 1: Principles of Green public procurement] (2012)
  • Schulungsskript 2: Rechtliche Grundlagen der umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung [Training script 2: Legal basis of Green public procurement] (2012)
  • Schulungsskript 5: Einführung in die Berechnung von Lebenszykluskosten und deren Nutzung im Beschaffungsprozess [Training script 5: Introduction to life cycle costing and its use in the procurement process] (Octover 2012)

Research project on innovation potential for green public procurement

This research project was carried out by Adelphi Research and by Freie Universität Berlin’s Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik (Environmental policy research center) on behalf of the UBA.


Research project titled Analysis of public procurement in Germany using federal procurement as an example; measures aimed at making such procurement more eco-friendly

Although green procurement is taking on ever growing importance in the public sector, a great deal of uncertainty remains as to exactly how such procurement is to be implemented. The UBA funds research in this area.

Öko-Institut e.V. and Dresden Technical University jointly elaborated training materials as part of a research project titled Analyse des öffentlichen Beschaffungswesens in Deutschland am Beispiel der Bundesebene und Maßnahmen zu seiner noch umweltfreundlicheren Ausrichtung (Analysis of public procurement in Germany using federal procurement as an example; measures aimed at making such procurement more eco-friendly). These materials were divided into the following six topic areas and documents:

  • Grundlagen der umweltfreundlochen Beschaffung [What makes green procurement tick] 
  • Rechtliche Grundlagen der umweltfreundlichen Beschaffung [Legal underpinnings of green procurement] 
  • Einführung in die Verwendung von Produktkriterien aus Umweltzeichen [Introduction to the application of eco-label product criteria] 
  • Strategische Marktbeobachtung und-analyse [Strategic market tracking and analysis]
  • Einführung in die Berechnung von Lebenszykluskosten und deren Nutzung im Beschaffungsprozess [Introduction to life cycle costing and its use in the procurement process] 
  • Hemmnisanalyse für eine umweltfreundliche Beschaffung mittels Selbstevaluations-Tool [Green procurement impediment analysis using a self-evaluation tool].

In addition, a major federal office of procurement used a self evaluation tool to identify common impediments to green procurement and strategies to overcome them.


2008 McKinsey study titled Public procurement potential in the field of ecology, industrial sector policy, and climate protection

This study was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and carried out by McKinsey & Company.

The €260 billion expended annually f or federal, regional-state and municipal procurement represents a huge market, more than €50 billion of which is directly relevant for the green markets of the future. The McKinsey study was the first to show that green procurement can reduce costs and open up new markets for eco-friendly products.

In light of this study, it’s now up to federal agencies to engage in a dialogue with regional state and municipal governments as to how the recommended measures can be implemented. The Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) is striving to forge sustainable-procurement alliance with municipalities, regional states and federal agencies. Such an alliance would help promote the commercialization and use of eco-friendly technologies.


Research project titled National implementation of the new EU procurement directives

Öko-Institut e.V. was commissioned by UBA to carry out a research project titled Nationale Umsetzung der neuen EU-Beschaffungs-Richtlinien (National implementation of the new EU procurement directives) that involved the following:
• Estimating the monetary value of the public procurement sector in Germany
• Determining the environmental-relief potential and cost effectiveness of, and drafting specimen calls for tenders for, the following types of products: workstation computers; multi-function devices; agricultural irrigation systems; building and glass cleaning agents.
• Development of life cycle costing tools that allow for side by side comparisons of the life cycle costs entailed by various procurement modalities.
• Drafting of a legal opinion concerning the whole range of options available in terms of incorporating environmental aspects into procurement processes.

The main findings of the study are summarized in a pamphlet titled Umweltfreundliche Beschaffung – ökologische und wirtschaftliche Potenziale rechtlich zulässig nutzen.


• Advisory pamphlet titled Umweltfreundliche Beschaffung – ökologische und wirtschaftliche Potenziale rechtlich zulässig nutzen (December 2008)
 Research report titled Nationale Umsetzung der neuen EU-Beschaffungs-Richtlinien (October 2008)
• Document on life cycle costing titled LCC-Tool – Berechnung der Lebenszykluskosten (May 2008)

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 Research projects  green public procurement