European Commission research centre ignores scientific results on the fire risk from the new refrigerant R1234yf for mobile air conditioning systems read more

European Commission research centre ignores scientific results on the fire risk from the new refrigerant R1234yf for mobile air conditioning systems read more
It is quite common that electrical equipment becomes unexpectedly defective, and repair is either impossible or not worth the investment. read more
Wanted: Special commitment to the environment and health read more
It's that time again: Federal Environment Ministry and UBA started the Federal Ecodesign Award 2014. read more
Given the worldwide rapidly increasing CO2 emissions, leading brands and retailers call for stronger climate protection at the Climate Summit in Warsaw. read more
Starting now, it is easier to find out whether, say, a PVC covering or a sealant contains so-called ‘substances of very high concern’ as defined by the EU REACH Regulation. read more