Indoor Air Hygiene Commission

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UBA`s Indoor Air Hygiene Commission (IRK) develops recommendations and statements on various issues and problems with biological and chemical substances in the air indoors.
UBA`s Indoor Air Hygiene Commission (IRK) develops recommendations and statements on various issues and problems with biological and chemical substances in the air indoors.
UBA’s Indoor Air Hygiene Commission provides expert advice to the President of the Agency on various questions of indoor air hygiene. The members of IRK are appointed for a period of three years at a time. They come predominantly from scientific institutions and competent state authorities in Germany. Membership of the IRK is honorary. Representatives of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) take part in the meetings. Additional experts are invited for specific issues. The German Environment Agency (UBA) manages the secretariat of the IRK.
IRK develops recommendations and statements on various questions and problems of indoor air hygiene from an independent standpoint. Focus areas have been chemical cleaning agents and disinfectants, the handling of harmful emissions from contaminated dwellings (PCBs, asbestos, tar-containing adhesives, formaldehyde), biological air pollutants such as mould and bacteria, and emissions from building products, lifestyle products (e-cigarettes, shishas) as well as home-based fabrication processes (3D printers). Much discussion has been devoted to improve the ventilation recommendations in educational institutions (schools) and residential buildings that have been developed over the years and take into account the energy balance of buildings.
The work of the current appointment period 2022-2025 will deal with future room and building ventilation - shaped by the experience of the COVID 19 pandemic, new trends in building and their possible impact on indoor air quality, and dealing with recurring legacy pollutants relevant during retrofitting.
The Indoor Air Hygiene Commission is chaired by an external expert. The chair during the current appointment period 2022-2025 is Dr Frank Kuebart, eco-INSTITUT Germany GmbH.
Birmili, W., Daniels, A., Scutaru, A.M. und Kuebart, F., Bundesgesundheitsbl 67 (2024), p. 1–4
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