UMID: Notes for authors


The UMID publishes both submissions solicited by the editors and unsolicited submissions of original articles. The posts should be clearly structured and represent facts in an easily comprehensible manner. Each post is checked by the Editorial Committee before publication in a qualified internal peer review process. Previously published texts, tables and images must be furnished with accurate information regarding their source. The author/publisher must have granted their consent to reprint the text.

Scope and content of the articles

Articles should be between 4 and no more than 6 pages in length including figures, tables, and references. A UMID print page has about 4,000 characters including spaces. You can determine the number of characters in your text in Word using the Extras > Word count function (may vary depending on version). The preferred format is the doc format (Microsoft Word). You should format only headings and subheadings; the editors will look after the rest of the formatting. Each entry must contain:

  • Article title
  • English heading
  • German summary and English abstract (max. 1000 characters including spaces)
  • All author names and institute details
  • Correspondence author with institute address and email address


Please take your cue from the current recommendations in DUDEN.

Tables and figures

Images, tables, and graphics should be delivered as single files. Please do not add any tables, photos, graphics and pictures to the Word document! Just briefly specify where the figures are to be placed in the text. Photos/images should be at least 300 kB in size; a size of approximately 1 MB is better. Templates for graphics must be supplied as an Excel file or a finished image in JPG or pdf format. Tables in PowerPoint format are not suitable.


The bibliography lists only the literature quoted in the text. The author and year are quoted in brief in parentheses in the text, for example: (Krause 2009). Several references in one set of parentheses must be separated by semicolons, for example: (Krause 2009; Müller 2005).

Instructions on the bibliography

The information in the bibliography must be listed alphabetically.

  • List up to three authors; additional authors are to be rendered with “et al.“,
  • Write the forename initials without a comma after the surname; list forename initials without a full stop or a space between several forename initials,
  • Separate the names of several authors with commas,
  • In the case of Internet addresses, specify the last access date.
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