Conservation of the endangered Danube Clouded Yellow butterfly (Colias myrmidone) in Natura 2000 sites of Romania

TopicNature Conservation and Biodiversity
Project number89475, 110311
Implementing organization
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Universitätsallee 1
Campus Scharnhorststraße
21335 Lüneburg
Duration to

The project supported efforts to protect an EU-wide endangered butterfly species, the Danube Clouded Yellow, in three Natura 2000 sites in Romania. The findings from the project can contribute to conserve the butterfly's population in other European countries, too. In order to provide access to this information also after the end of the project and beyond the region, a brochure and a short documentary film were produced in English, Romanian and Hungarian, and a poster was produced in English, German and Romanian. Scientific findings were published in specialist journals.

The Danube Clouded Yellow. Saving an endangered butterfly. 2022
Source: nautilusfilm GmbH

The Danube Clouded Yellow. Saving an endangered butterfly. 2022

Der Regensburger Gelbling. Rettung für einen bedrohten Schmetterling. 2022
Source: nautilusfilm GmbH

Der Regensburger Gelbling. Rettung für einen bedrohten Schmetterling. 2022

Gălbiorul roșcat. Salvarea unei specii pe cale de dispariție. 2022
Source: nautilusfilm GmbH

Gălbiorul roșcat. Salvarea unei specii pe cale de dispariție. 2022

Narancsszínű kéneslepke. Egy veszélyeztetett faj megmentése. 2022
Source: nautilusfilm GmbH

Narancsszínű kéneslepke. Egy veszélyeztetett faj megmentése. 2022