Studytrip for Georgian forestry employees: Innovative forest management and integrated concepts of forest- and nature protection in Germany

TopicNature Conservation and Biodiversity
Project number43056
Implementing organization
Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur
Ellernholzstraße 1/3
17489 Greifswald
Duration to

In Georgia, more than 40 % of the country is covered with forest. Today, the export of wood is one reason for the growing deforestation in the Caucasus region. The intensity of traditional forest pasture also increases. Therefore the devastation of the forests is as serious as never before. The Michael Succow Foundation organised a one-week study trip to Germany to support the further education of Georgian forestry employees. The aim of the educational trip was to discuss possibilities to transfer the sustainable forestry concepts to Georgian conditions and to apply them in Georgian forests.