Transnational exchange platform for coexistence with large carnivores in the Dinaric-Balkan-Pindos region

TopicNature Conservation and Biodiversity
CountryAlbania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia (till 2/2019 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), Serbia, Slovenia
Project number176924
Implementing organization
Adelphi Research gGmbH
Alt-Moabit 91
10559 Berlin
Duration to

The Western Balkans is one of the most biologically diverse regions in Europe and home to the three large carnivores bear, wolf and lynx. The secretariat of the Platform, initiated in 2021, will conduct wide-ranging joint activities for large carnivore management with representatives from eight countries in the Dinaric region. These include two further plenary meetings, supporting thematic meetings, advocacy and capacity building activities to improve cooperation on e.g. monitoring, management planning or conflict reduction. Besides the project partner countries, Greece joins into the activities.

The background report Large Carnivores in the Dinarides: Management, Monitoring, Threats and Conflicts forms the basis for the activities. It is available in 6 languages.