Waste Stream Management and ‘Zero Waste’ in Turkey: Part 2A: Waste law definitions and refused derived fuel for cement kilns

TopicWaste Management and Circular Economy
Project number141441
Implementing organization
INTECUS GmbH - Abfallwirtschaft und umweltintegratives Management, Pohlandstr. 17, 01309 Dresden
Duration to

Turkey’s ‘Zero-Waste’ programme enhances the circular economy and the efficient use of re-sources in the country. This includes increased efforts to facilitate recycling and the use of non-hazardous waste components for energy generation. The project mainly strengthens the expertise of the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on the recovery of non-hazardous waste, on critical issues pertaining to the waste hierarchy principle, on selected legal terms of the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and on the production of marketable substitute fuels.